The state in crisis

Peter Kopa, Prague, 30.3.2024

The state is the legal organization of a nation, which is a social group whose individuals have a number of common elements that bind them together. These may be their own history, language, cultural traditions, territory, etc. It is evident that such a human and social reality wants to organize itself on the basis of the proclamation of certain purposes that ensure peace and the common good, which is the Constitution. Thus, the state is the legal conception of constitutional principles, in the form of rights, guarantees and obligations, and, at the same time, it lays the foundations for the structuring of the state government as a state under the rule of law and whose leaders have been democratically elected.

The great problem facing this reality is man, being a free and responsible individual, because he is subject to the vagaries of his morally weak nature and inclined to evil, not to behave consistently with the constitutional and moral principles. If people would not have the natural capacity to think and to will, which is the basis of their freedom, then there would be no need for any state, nor for the preconception of how to achieve the common good, which is precisely the constitution. Their animal instincts would be enough to survive, like a herd of bison in the green meadows of Yellowstone.

Therefore, freedom introduces into the juridical organization of the state a variable and unpredictable element: man can behave in favor of or against the state and its laws. Hence the enormous importance of the cultural and moral formation of man, first in a stable family, so that in the exercise of his freedom he will always prefer the good for himself and for others. But this formative function cannot be totally assured by the state, because the spiritual questions of the individual belong to the area of action of the Church. Thanks to her, the West has achieved an astonishing greatness, in comparison to non-Christian cultures, where the state, in the form of Kingdom or Empire, has always been identified with some natural religion.

We can see this theocratic form of the state in Israel and in the Empires of Egypt, Greece, Persia, Rome, Spain, etc. All of them have had a course of centuries, until they fell apart. The great paradigm in this sense is the Roman Empire, which for ten centuries extended over the entire Mediterranean basin and vast areas of northern Europe.

Every empire has had its ‘Rise and Fall’, its rise and fall. On the other hand, the spiritual realm of the Judeo-Christian faith has lasted four thousand years since Abraham’s departure for the Promised Land. Its vision of the transcendent dignity of man, based on divine revelation, is a unique phenomenon that has inspired laws and constitutions in the West, after the monarchical nobility. Trump, for example, refers to the importance of faith:

Why are there crises in so many states today?

Right now we are seeing how the leading states of the world are entering into crisis, as is the case of the US , Canada, Germany, France, Spain. This is because their officials in part betray the constitution and their citizens, allowing themselves to be influenced by materialistic and globalist ideologies, which aim to establish a new world order, according to the proclamation of the World Economic Forum in Davos. This platform has not been called by anyone, but as it is an initiative of the great American capital, it gives the impression that it has its followers located in the key points of the political government in a great part of the world, ready to support the directives coming from the EU:

We see the problems caused by the behavior of some rulers contrary to the moral demands of their conscience. State officials, unfortunately, are so often willing to sell their souls for a plate of lentils. It is a pitiful larceny caused by all those who want to gain an unfair advantage at the expense of the state.

The UN and the EU, controlled by the globalists, are trying to impose ruinous claims on countries such as the USA, Canada, Germany, Spain, France and many other countries. The justification they claim is the reduction of C02 and methane in the atmosphere, which is rejected again and again by scientists ( ), who say that all this is false, that it is intended to be used as a weapon to achieve the drastic reduction of agricultural products.


Some examples of how to sink the state

– In Holland, half of the farms have been liquidated and to top it off, land has fallen in market value, which the globalists are taking advantage of to buy it at very low prices.

In Germany, the imposition of electric cars from the EU creates a big problem for the automotive sector, which contributes 15% to its GNP. It remains to be seen whether all the major brands will survive.

– The USA, for its part, is the mother of these battles, where the full range of globalist interference to destroy this great nation can be observed. The worst weapons of attack are the forced ideological infiltration that seeks to impose inhuman things such as genderism, C02 and global warming ideologies, WOKE, LGTB and sexual training to children through all kinds of ‘toys’. This explains the case of a 12 year old girl in the USA, who unwittingly became pregnant by another boy.

Citizen reactions

The globalist pretensions have awakened and politically activated the silent majority in most of the affected countries. Debate with those who promote globalist ideologies is impossible, because these positions are absolutely dogmatic and, therefore, do not admit an exchange of opinions about them. As an example, it is enough to look at the ideological purges in universities and schools, which have led to the dismissal of thousands of valuable people, leaving education in the hands of those who promise nothing good:

In the USA, the globalist failure anticipates what is going to happen all over the world: for example, the failure of Hollywood, the failure of ESG (Environmental and Social Governance), the loss of support for the Democratic government headed by President Biden, the advance of right-wing parties in most countries, etc. When this crisis has passed, it will be seen that at least it has acted as a revulsive, provoking a deeper reflection on the truth and on the spiritual values that should never have been ignored at the seat of state. This humorous video shows what future life would be like if globalist dictates were followed:


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