Peter Kopa, Prague, 13.2.2023 – The English version follows below.

Before going into the subject of the democratic process II, we suggest looking at the ways of vote manipulation in Latin America and the USA. Just watch the 5′ video included in the article: . However, in Europe there are also cases. Today, with few exceptions, in this matter no country can throw the first stone, as Jesus said in front of the adulterous woman. The democratic process has basically two aspects: the election of the rulers and then the action itself of the government of a country.

To begin with, we must recognize that the state has done a lot of good since science and technology have made it possible to gradually build an impressive infrastructure for transportation, energy distribution, electronic communication and medical care. This development has first propelled the West to unprecedented levels of prosperity, followed by the leading Asian countries and Africa.

Unfortunately, the increasing moral decay of the citizens has brought with it the fact that man has lost the awareness of his identity, falling into an abandonment of the ethical principles that are the sine qua non condition of a good state. And so he became an easy victim of ideological predators without good spirit, the most obvious result of which is the communist and Nazi materialist error, which have metamorphosed today into woke version, ltgb, genderism and ecologist terrorism.


The election of rulers by voting

Cómo votar mejores políticos

Please read our article ‘how to vote for better politicians’. The election process is distorted because there is a tendency to vote for parties and not for individuals, or to vote for individuals as the head of a party that previously put them in the limelight. This explains the distance we see between the voter and his constituents, which for obvious reasons is very difficult to in large countries. And digital technology does not solve the problem. The solution that will be imposed in the future is the condition of prior training over a period of several years, just like a university study, during which forms of outreach to the citizenry will have to be included.

As shown by the fact that low-profile citizens are the ones who most seek an official function, because no training is required for this, according to Daniel Levin (¿Por qué el perfil bajo de los políticos?

The very action of government

To talk about government today is to start from the fact that we are faced with a gigantic apparatus that tends to impose excessive laws and regulations, creating structures that oppose the principle of subsidiarity. Thus, the state provokes an unfortunate passivity of citizens. The state is in danger of becoming Hobbes’ Machiavellian Leviathan. What is a structure of service for the good of the citizen is inclined to serve itself and the crowd of parasitic officials, who are those who take unfair advantage of it, in one way or another, in their own favor.

This situation of state hypertrophism can degenerate into state banditry, which arises when criminal persons usurp the political command of a state to bleed it in their favor, using an ideological pretext of aiding social justice. This works for some time, until a painful revolutionary process throws them out of power. In this sense we have before us the most notable ones such as Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, China, North China, etc.

Both these countries and especially the leading countries -except Russia- are suffering from the strong political control of globalism, as it has been openly presented to us at the last meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, a few weeks ago. Klaus Schwab and his followers have been very clear, saying that they are setting in place the imposition of a new world order, in which citizens will become happy sheeps with no rights. And the strings that manipulate everything come from international organizations controlled by them, or from individuals who have allowed themselves to be corrupted or submit to their dictates in exchange for some advantage.

The growing perfeccionist bureaucracy, in the manner propagated by the EU, swells without limit, causing an increasing fiscal and regulatory burden that stifles economic and labor activity and ends up impoverishing the citizen. Here too, some ideological justification is used, the most frequent being the ecological dogma, which also dictates an unappealable sentence against man himself. For this, as we well know, it is said that he is to blame for the increase of C02 in the atmosphere: El cuento del CO2

In the exercise of governmental authority there is a remarkable attachment to political office, which among other signs is manifested in the rejection of the referendum, which digital communication would make it very easy, with the necessary security measures against manipulation by hackers. …………………………


Reaction of the citizen base

Citizens can no longer and should no longer remain passive in the face of this situation. They have to become aware that the democratic process has to be brought back under their control according to their own constitution and the inalienable rights of the individual. It is not enough to elect a government every four to five years, but during the electoral period, citizens must follow and monitor the government’s management through their own initiatives. For example, especially through social networks, he has every right to petition the government on specific points. It has to follow the previous phases of the issuance of laws, to stop harmful or unconstitutional bills. And all this at zero cost, thanks to digital technology. Democracia en flujo digital.

This attitude demands from the citizen, who wants to improve the democratic process, an active approach and the renunciation of being too distracted by the TV or the time spent on sports, etc. The well-being of the people, even if afflicted today by so many crises such as the pandemic, inflation, the war in Ukraine, migratory movements, etc., makes it very difficult for the individual to put his good life at risk. It seems that the problems must become even more acute, until the breaking point is reached, which will have different manifestations depending on the country.


In the 20th century, for example, we observed these eruptive points in the Mexican Cristiada, in the Spanish civil revolution and in the Second World War. We do not mention the Russian revolution, which was instigated ideologically from abroad, or the First World War, which was the sad result of an ill-fated interplay of national powers. And in the Second World War it was Hitler who knew how to take advantage of the atmosphere of great discontent in Germany to light the fuse of the war bomb.

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