Peter Kopa, Prague, 26.6.2023

It is no longer a matter of discussion in academic circles whether or not the deep state exists or the various manipulations and controls from an anonymous vortex. In this process, the one who pulls the strings does not show his face, nor does he assume responsibility, nor was he chosen by anyone for this way of acting. Rather, the question arises as to how the deep state acts. In this article we comment, explain and expand on the above video produced by The Epoch Times media group, which maintains great independence from the interventionist pressures of the hidden state. Specifically we will examine how it acts in the USA, because this great nation has been for eighty years the cradle of an important part of the good and the bad, which has always then spread to the rest of the world. Thus, seeing what is happening in the USA can help to understand analogous things that are appearing in other countries.

In this sense, European countries receive a good part of these influences through the European Union, which is a faithful daughter of American globalism. On the other hand, in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia, this influence is produced to the extent that there is a dominant presence of large American companies and, moreover, if the state is infiltrated by people faithful to globalist dictates. Another important factor is the dependence on loans from the IMF or other similar organizations, since they make the approval of laws that impose their ideologies a pre-condition. Thus, a whole series of countries have rejected this abuse, such as Paraguay and many others.

Globalism has affected Canada and Holland, where the state has dictated the expropriation of some 3,000 agricultural companies, under the pretext of CO2. Then Australia has been hit hard, and Germany a little less so. We are in the midst of a ‘Kulturkampf’ scenario at all levels, in the midst of a struggle which in the last analysis is the confrontation between a spiritual conception and a materialistic vision of man. This struggle already has a long history and has even recorded hecatombs, such as the one hundred million deaths caused by the materialistic communist ideology, the 54 million deaths caused by the Nazi ideology and more than 50 million deaths caused by induced abortions, or children who could not be born because of the contraceptive pill.

We are in a unique historical moment that will go down in history as a grim and harsh period. While the casualties of the Ukrainian war are impressive and spectacular, they are almost nothing in the face of the above. And let us hope that the future will not be even worse, because the expansion of war and, at the same time, the destructive depopulation attempts of globalism are lurking. The deep state was behind the pandemic (link) behind the energy crisis and behind environmental terrorism. It is also the one that has propagated the ideologies of WOKE, CRT (critical race theory), the LGTB, sex as a free choice, the homologation of gay marriage and the sexual corruption of children. Basically, it is a matter of destroying the dignity of man and his Christian culture, in order to establish a dystopian world of enslaved individuals as objects of free hunting. It is from this perspective that the following chapters will be better understood.

The ESG or how the deep state acts

Environment, Social and Governance form the acronym ESG. Since 2014, a coordinated action has been implemented that aims to unite the now nearly five hundred large, publicly traded American companies with the state. It thus seeks to achieve goals that the government alone cannot achieve, because they are outside its legal competence. In reality, economics and politics must be left to the citizen, who has the right to move in a free economy. Instead, Klaus Schwab and his people, at the last Davos Economic Forum, want to be the only ones who know in these matters, dictating and proliferating absurd actions.

This is an attempt at state dirigisme, which was scientifically condemned in books on economic theory published in the USA, which has always been the champion of freedom and open markets.  It is precisely communist and socialist dirigisme that has impoverished peoples because it has sterilized the creativity and initiative of so many geniuses who have died without leaving any contribution to progress. La destrucción de USA.

Which companies are we talking about? Prof. Rectenwald tells us that in the USA it is the big banks, including the FED, the financial conglomerates, the pension funds and the giants in Industry. In 2022 they together reached an economic power of 55 trillion dollars, twice the annual budget of the American state. But what is outrageous is that this is not their own money, but the money of the citizens!  Thus, for example, a bank has as many of its own resources equivalent to 10% of its balance sheet. Similarly, the same can be said of the pension fund and of the great patrimony entrusted for its administration to many equivalent own resources or Vanguard etc.  And the great investments that they maintain in stock exchange companies, although they appear in their names, are not their own, but of the citizens who at a moment have trusted them.

Therefore, when asked how the deep state acts, the answer is obvious: with our money, earned day by day, which thus becomes a very powerful weapon against ourselves. Something analogous happens with taxes, with the difference that they become the property of the treasury and are supposed to be used for the good of the people. Here we must remember that in the OECD countries the tax burden has reached almost half of the citizen’s income.

Unfortunately, the official bodies have allowed themselves to be corrupted to the core, becoming so many times an agency in favor of the interests of an economic elite that wants to exploit us. The same happens with international organizations such as the UN and its subordinate entities, such as the WHO (World Health Organization), the European Union and so many NGOs around the world, followers of globalist instructions.  There must be a reason why the USA has cancelled its contributions to the UN.


The five hundred giant companies in the USA have signed – it is not known with whom – a document in which they commit themselves to promote globalist goals in the ecological and social area. They proclaim that the planet is being destroyed and that there is no social justice, especially towards the black race in the USA. The state unfortunately supports the move because it tolerates people put in place by the deep state. If they do not obey, they lose their jobs. It insists that the shareholder, in addition to being a ‘share holder’, must above all be a ‘stake holder’ identified with the globalist ecological and social program.

The agents that are placed, both in the state and in the companies, tend to be of a low profile (¿Por qué el perfil bajo de los políticos?) because they must only carry out orders from the secret society or deep state. An example of the power of the deep state we have seen in the demonstration of the transporters in Canada, and then in the USA: the government threatened to block the bank accounts of all those who persist in their protest actions.  Faced with this violent, illegal and abusive act, the carriers had to lower their heads. Similar punishment processes have been applied to university professors and especially to doctors and health personnel during the pandemic. The aims pursued by the deep state include the following:

To declare war on CO2: to counteract oil and gas extraction, to favor wind and photovoltaic energy, to avoid the production of cars with combustion engines, to promote alternative agricultural production, to drastically reduce the consumption of non-poultry meat etc. (La verdad desnuda sobre el CO2 y el clima)

Forcing banks and finance companies to give credits under the condition of the observance of certain globalist rules. This attempt has damaged many institutions and it remains to be seen whether it can continue.

To favor censorship and media control at the level of the major social networks. Years ago, this spying on citizens was publicly denounced by Snowden, knowing that the Constitution forbids it.

Supporting the Ukrainians in the war, helping with weapons and money. It is amazing how Germany has embraced this cause, at least in the person of Schulz and Minister Baer bock. This support will take a very high political toll on relations with Russia and China in the future, to the extent that not a few believe that, once this war is over, the Russians will take revenge by occupying some former Warsaw Pact countries.

The deep state operates, for example, through its companies such as Blackrock, Vanguard or Blackstone, as holders of a package of shares, which can move between 7 and 20%. The intervention is done by means of instructions or, if necessary, through a resolution of the shareholders’ meeting. It must be taken into account that, in order to be able to intervene in a listed company, this minority of shares in one hand is enough, because the other shareholders are scattered in the USA and in the world and only want to realize a capital gain. And, at the same time, it must be taken into account that this quarter was certainly bought in the name of Blackrock, for example, but with outside money entrusted to its management.

Opposition to the deep state

Because 80% of the media are in the hands of the globalists ( Control del mundo mediático) logically any reality they do not want to be known is silenced or ‘corrected’. Italy, Sweden, Finland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia are against it, but above all is that great silent majority that is kept mute. In all countries, the opposition of the majority manifests itself when some problem affects them personally, such as their own nine-year-old daughter who tells at home the details of sex education, or when they see Barby with mustaches and masculine attributes, etc. Only what could not be covered up, such as the boycott of millions against Hollywood, Netflix and Disney, because they have tried to impose the ideologies of sex change, homosexuality as something normal, etc., was made public. The failure of the SEG mentioned above is not reported either.

In Europe, the opposition is first of all against the absurd and criminal features of the pandemic. On this occasion almost all the citizens of the world lost their confidence in their governments. Then it is against the European Union, because it openly intends to impose globalism in many areas. It creates consternation the pretension to prohibit vehicles with explosion engines in order to impose electric propulsion. Likewise, the majority rejects ideologies that seek to transmute education in order to harmonize it with globalist ideologies. As in the case of the pandemic, the voice of science does not want to be heard .

It is evident that the whole globalist set-up will fall under the weight of their lies, but also because the new president in the USA will lead the country towards a more serene, less warlike life and it is expected that he will stand up to so many abuses and demand accountability. In the meantime, Elo Musk has bought Twitter, to cut its censorship and open a global space of free expression. He also wants to buy Google, but we’ll see. Soon, the question of how the deep state acts will become history and the fight will probably shift to the field of artificial intelligence and global political transmutation that may surprise us at any moment with more wars. In any case, it is not time for a siesta, but for buckling up in a flight of madmen marked in the last analysis by the selfishness of the powerful, who fight among themselves, involving the whole world, which longs to live in peace.

We recommend watching the last 20 minutes of the video document, the link to which is at the beginning of this article. In the USA, for years, opposition to the deep state has been growing, with the great advantage that in this process the vital importance of constitutional guarantees to prevent the cancellation of human rights is being deepened. Let’s hope that the other countries, taught by the USA, do not allow themselves to be deceived, because the harmful fruits of the deep state and of the communism they support are before our eyes, especially in Canada, Venezuela, Holland, Argentina and Nicaragua. However, the enormous protest actions, for example against Blackrock, is beginning to cause serious troubles to this conglomerate of eleven trilion USD:

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