A whole wave of articles and books are appearing in the media about the future that awaits us: what the post-covid, post-economic crisis, post-Biden etc. world will be like. I think, if history could be expressed in a graph, it would look like the stock market. Instead of mentioning a list of the most important publications on the subject, it seems to me much better to break down these reflections according to their starting point or ultimate rationale. First of all, the most important thing is to distinguish the ‘Weltanschauung’ of the author. Thus one can easily distinguish an important group of thinkers who have a real and scientific conception of what man is and another group that denies it.

What does science affirm?

It is philosophical science, and today even psychiatric science that man is the only being in the world that has both capacities that allow knowledge and mastery of the world: reason and will. The first seeks the truth and the second seeks the good that is in it, which demands that there must be a maximum truth and a maximum good, beyond time and history. We find this approach substantially in all civilizations, not always easily recognizable amidst a kaleidoscope of all kinds of narratives, myths and legends. An archetype of this is the apparent Greek polytheism, or also Egyptian, Indian or Chinese wisdom.

The problem of the rejection of the truth about man

The identity of man: to be or not to be

The group that denies the identity of man moves in a space without firm scientific references, and therefore has neither a unitary conception of man, nor is it useful to glimpse the outlines of the future world. Under the leaden ballast of materialism, many authors can only do exercises in shooting at a target that is in continuous movement. Not being anchored to a common ground, they seek instead the so-called constant elements of history, both to understand it and to guess what the future world will be like. One of these constants, for example, is the dialectical tension between rich/poor, clean/dirty environment, man/woman, racism/antiracism, etc. From these unfounded apriori, ideologies are then derived that best suit the great power groups that are currently disputing the redefinition of man and the world, in order to submit it to their whim. There is a German author who says that man is but one of the billion beings that swarm within the tenuous biospheric layer of our planet, no more important than an ant.

The Western model

On the other hand, the first group of thinkers is like a firm and fertile soil on which peoples and civilizations settle, where man emerges as what he is, full of dignity, thanks to his spiritual powers. And all this accumulated wisdom finds its most outstanding expression in the Jewish teachings and in the revelations of God in Israel, which has allowed the emergence of the Judeo-Christian civilization https://The family and the rise of the West) and the greatness of the West as an example that in the last hundred years has been imitated by other civilizations. Even China, which has copied, spied and plundered to the maximum the science and technology of the leading countries of the West.

To the criticism that in the civilization of the West there has been much bloodshed, it must be countered that in this respect other civilizations were worse. The fact that man knows his moral vulnerability does not make him impeccable, but it also makes him fall. Many social disasters and wars in the West have been due to the fact that obedience to moral principles, personal conscience, and the demands of justice and truth have sometimes been broken. The clearest examples in this regard have been the errors and horrors, in the last hundred years, of Marxist ideology and Nazism, which have needlessly sacrificed 150 million people.

History is a projection of individual behavior

The enormous amount of current references to God, on youtube and other media, is very striking. And the great majority of them take his existence for granted, as well as the moral dimension of man. The videos that insist on saying that God does not exist are fewer and fewer. It gives the impression that man is looking for his lost paradise.

It is a teaching of universal wisdom that within man there are two subjects: one that seeks the good and the truth, and another that inclines to evil, to admire himself, to seek first and his own excellence. This is what in English is called ‘the shadow side’ or the dark side of the human soul. Therefore, these two forces are continually at war, and so often it happens that at times the dark force prevails, which, if left unchecked, triggers an inner process of transgressions against the imperatives of the conscience inclined to good (Good and Evil II). This struggle between good and evil is the background pattern in literature, in movies or videos, in painting, etc.

On the other hand, when we follow the voice of the angel within ourselves, an entire cascade of good arises from this, which has a greater diffusive force than evil. In spite of everything, the continuous progress of the West is due to this prevalence, which allows us today to hope for a better world if everyone does not give in to the temptations of moral evil. We must keep in mind that the vast majority of people always seek to do good.

To understand this better, we can imagine a young king in past centuries, who has just been crowned according to the imperatives of dynastic succession. With his power he can, for example, oppress his people by imposing higher taxes to further enrich himself, or he can seek their greater good. He can manipulate influences or seek concord, he can seek war or peace etc. So too today, on a personal level, moral choices interact with those of others in a nation, thus ultimately determining the welfare of all.

Another example in this sense has been the sexual liberation of the 60’s of the last century, with the appearance of the contraceptive pill, which has favored divorce and at the same time abortion. Thus, all this tide of negative moral choices has succeeded in ethnically sinking the rich countries of Europe, causing the immigration of foreign labor and the sterile lamentation of so many people in the face of the dramatic problems caused by hundreds of millions of bad personal behaviors.

Therefore, the most effective way to ensure a better future is to behave personally well, to cut with so many vices, dependencies and disorders that also produce a deep bitterness, which can only be overcome by repentance before God, who always forgives and elevates the person, restoring his lost dignity.

Danger: the imposition of an inhuman future

Agenda 30, the New World Order and the global ‘Reset’ are concepts coined by materialistic ideologies worse than Marxism and Nazism (Agenda 30: drastic world depopulation)l, because it includes drastic population reduction through biological warfare, economic manipulation and digital enslavement of the individual. WOKE, LGBT, genderism and the exaltation of homosexual unions are some of the bitter fruits of this global movement supported by secret organizations backed from an apex of economic power that controls almost half of the world economy.

To justify this action, the myth of impending ecological catastrophe has been built up over the past decades. With official funds of many billions of dollars, international institutions have been set up and even laws favorable to this attitude have been enacted.

The large number of scientists who have been opposing the dogma of the ecological collapse of the world were silenced and lately they are losing their professorships due to the connivance of some universities.

Statements by scientists on climate and the environment:

Climate change  

Prof. Dyson

Prof. Happer:

Magistral, 40´ sobre la gran mentira:

Former Greenpeace boss against… :

55´about climate issues as justification for the state to issue more laws and taxes:

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