The lament of the left in Spain

Peter Kopa, 19.6.2023, Prague –  We could not transfer the links in color of the spanisch email above.

Today, June 19, I received an e-mail, I suppose widely circulated, which expresses very well how the political situation in Spain is now, after the municipal elections and shortly before the anticipated general elections. It is very interesting to see how the left sees the collapse of its influence in Spain, through the prism of, which is one of the most important left-wing digital newspapers in the country. The summary made by this media, with an abundant supply of links, allows to see the causes of the lamentation of the left in Spain. ¿Por qué el globalismo apoya a la izquierda?

Moreover, any well-informed Spaniard could add that the rise of the left has not been “clean game”, but has been due to a whole series of unfair and obscure maneuvers, not without significant support from the globalists, through Soros and others. El ataque globalista It should be pointed out that Vox is not a far-right party, in the style of Acción Nacional Revolucionaria, Alianza Nacional (Spain), Alianza Nacional 18 de Julio or Alternativa Española. These parties have not obtained many votes.  And the current Popular Party has made regrettable compromises with LGTBI ideologies, with abortion and with genderism, which indicates that it accepts the help of Soros’ globalists. We quote from the email:


We need you more than ever

Peter, the extreme right has just reached the largest share of power in Spain since the recovery of democracy. This Saturday more than eight thousand City Councils elected last May 28th were constituted. The germ of xenophobia, climate denialism, the threat to the public and  the machismo is spreading through dozens of towns and cities.

This germ took root in 2022, in Castilla y León, with the first regional governmen pact between the PP and Vox. Now, it is spreading to the Generalitat Valenciana and threatens to materialize in the regional governments of Aragón, Baleares, Extremadura or Murcia. We are going to notice this change of trend in public services, in coexistence and in the social cohesion of our cities and towns. From Tineo, in Asturias, to Molina de Segura, in Murcia or Calvià, in the Balearic Islands; passing through big cities like Elche, Burgos, Ciudad Real, Talavera de la Reina, Toledo and Guadalajara, representatives of Vox are going to start managing the daily life of millions of citizens.

We are telling you: in Magaluf, mecca of low-cost tourism at night, it will be Vox who will control the Local Police and the Equality portfolio. In the Comunitat Valenciana, where the PP has negotiated to govern with a Vox convicted for male violence, the ultra formation has promised to repeal the gender and historical memory laws. In Extremadura, Vox seeks to establish “a moral order” and to overturn the “Bolivarian” housing law.

To control the new power of the ultra-right we need more than ever a free journalism, without ties. It was who told you how the president of the Diputación de Ourense, Manuel Baltar, who will no longer repeat at the head of this institution monopolized by his clan for three decades, was hunted at 215 km / h. A free journalism, without mortgages. A free journalism, without mortgages, which revealed the scandals that splash the family of Ángeles Muñoz, mayor of Marbella, whose position as senator, which she has held since 2016, is now up in the air.

No other media in Spain bets on such a wide territorial implantation as We have editorial offices in all the Autonomous Communities, except in La Rioja, where we will soon start up. Every day, as editor-in-chief of Ediciones, I work side by side with the fifty or so journalists of our regional newspapers; but difficult times are coming in which it will be a challenge to maintain and strengthen this network which, as you can see, is more necessary than ever. That is why I am writing to you.

From now on we are going to be even more uncomfortable for many regional governments. Provincial Councils and City Councils. The extreme right will not hesitate to intimidate our local advertisers or to leave us out of the distribution of institutional advertising that by law corresponds to us. They will try to silence us, but they will not succeed.

Peter, I want to ask you to help us. That you give us your financial support so that we can continue to fulfill our duty to guarantee your right to receive accurate information. If you believe that journalism matters and affects our lives, support us. Today we need you more than ever. And to encourage you to take the plunge, we offer you our annual fee at a 50% discount for the first year. You will pay 40 euros a year instead of 80 euros and you can easily cancel payments whenever you want.

I want to become a member for 40 €/year

Thank you for your support,

Toño Fraguas, Editor-in-Chief of Ediciones de



Some comments

In the background of this political evolution – analogous to that of so many other countries – is the initiative of citizens who had not given in to the comfortable resignation of thinking that there was nothing to be done. On the contrary. They have raised their heads, have become aware of their constitutional rights, and have launched a new political party: Vox. One must be convinced that the evils of the world are such, because the pessimism and cowardice of the majority turns it into a ‘silent majority’, which is a concept that has already been coined as a technical term in today’s political culture: ‘schweigende Mehrheit’, in German, ‘silent majority’ in English, etc.

The interesting thing is that such a process of political struggle has not originated in a collective, (El poder de una persona) where everyone can inhibit himself thinking that the others will do it right. The detonator has come from one or very few people, who have taken advantage of the favorable political potential of the silent majority, orphaned of a leader who ignites and goes ahead with the torch of truth and justice. A proverb full of wisdom says that a small flame in the darkness can nevertheless point the way to the light, and the one who approaches it will also find its warmth.

If it wins the imminent elections of July 23, Vox would do well not to wear itself out responding to the dogs that bark at them along the way (it seems to me that this comes from Don Quixote), but would have to focus on establishing justice at a forced pace on all political fronts, and at all levels. And the irradiation that this political action would do much good to the political scene in Europe and, above all, in Latin America. Here the left or pseudo-democratic tyranny threatens to plunge the people into misery, as in Venezuela, Nicaragua or Argentina.  20 aňos de infiltración comunista en Latinoamérica


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