Peter Kopa, Prague, 31.8.2022  –  The English version follows below.

We kindly ask the reader to watch the first video above, at least twenty minutes, because many scientists take the floor to explain that CO2 is irrelevant for the climate and very favorable for vegetation.


The reason for the CO2 hoax

For several decades, globalism actions has been organized on the assumption that the world is overpopulated. In the seventies of the last century I remember how the Club of Rome was propagating the then famous phrase ‘limit of growth’ or that growth must be limited in all areas. At the time, this was justified by Malthusianism, which was a scientific theory according to which population growth grows exponentially, while food production would increase only arithmetically. (El error del maltusianismo )

This foundation was losing importance and scientific recognition, so the globalists had to look for another argument to curb growth. And they found it in ecology, specifically in man-made CO2. Since the beginning of our third millennium, this argument has been separated from the scientific discourse on the subject, silencing and isolating scientists from the mainstream media, which controls more than 80% of the world’s communication and information ( Control del mundo mediático.).

The facts: man is not the cause of global warming.

The climate oscillates constantly, mainly due to changes in the emission of energy from the sun. Man’s behavior is irrelevant because the CO2 content in the atmosphere is 0.054%. And in this small proportion, the CO2 produced by man is only 3.6%, since 96.4% is produced by nature itself!  In contrast, among the greenhouse gases, contained in the atmosphere, in addition to carbon dioxide gas, 95% is water vapor, which has a primary climatic impact on the climate and is apparently intentionally ignored by the globalists.

Link: The In-depth Story Behind a Climate Fraud – YouTube


Why is man being blamed for climate change?

The globalist movement needed an argument to develop its demolition of the achievements of the Judeo-Christian culture. This is why it has replaced the Malthusian argument, which had gone bad since the early eighties of the last century, with the CO2 story. With its powerful media bulldozers, globalism has initially succeeded in ‘selling’ this story, especially in university environments, thus creating a Marxist-style ecological extremism. This is how the attitudes of the ‘anti’ are formed as a new formula of protest against everything that produces the greenhouse gas CO2. And in return, the love of plants, animals and the beauty of unspoiled nature is promoted, which is partly culturally positive in se.

The ‘media terrorism’ that the mainstream-media have been spreading for decades has become so brainwashing that the allocations in the USA for climate research have skyrocketed since 1990 from 170 million to 4 billion USD. It is an international set-up of NGOs and official institutions that spend this money on thousands of employees, travels, conferences, etc. And here we do not enter to consider the official budget allocations in other countries. I invite the reader to Google phrases such as ‘co2 and climate change’ or any other phrase that touches on the subject of climate, to observe the consensus imposed by this network. (Control del mundo mediático.


The dynamics triggered by the hoax

The classic argumentative trick, which is continuously repeated, is the true fact of global warming, but it is always presented as the effect of excessive CO2 emissions produced by man, which is absurd. It is like saying that the fall of the leaves in autumn is due to the fact that the heaters are turned on. But this kind of collective hypnosis is developing a very interesting dynamic that absolutely ignores scientific data:

Media sensationalism: the matter offers a lot of fodder for the imagination of journalists in the news media: that the sea level is rising, that the ozone hole is growing, that storms are a consequence of CO2, that the coral reefs in Australia are dying, that the poor white bears in the Arctic are going to die because of the melting ice etc. etc.

– There are legion of scientists and professors who have not only been silenced for telling the truth about CO2, but have been ostracized by universities and other scientific bodies. This is because the globalists have elevated their errors in the matter to the category of a kind of religious dogmatism, where it has been forbidden, under penalty of persecution, to scientifically question those errors. And all this with tax money, with our money!

The UN and its dependent organizations, the EU and so many NGOs are financed in large part by the globalists and are under their control. From these bodies pressure is put on member countries to pass laws in favor of green energy and CO2 emission reduction. A financial system has even been organized to combat this gas in the air, giving an economic value to any reduction or capture of carbon, documented by a certificate by which a ton of CO2 can be bought or sold internationally.

In aid programs for poor countries, especially in Africa, there is pressure not to burn wood to prepare their food, but to use green energy. And many have coal mines and oil resources that are bought at minimal prices by the same people who insist that they do not burn anything organic, to reduce CO2 on our planet. But green energy is very expensive and poor countries cannot afford it.

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