Peter Kopa, Prague 27.8.2023 – The English version follows below


The history of our world

At birth, thanks to our parents, we have received the gift of life and of the world we live in, in which the mother of all stories takes place day by day: stories of death and life, of freedom and slavery, of knowing and ignoring, and, in short, the great personal story that within us is ultimately the struggle of good against evil. This deeper vision, in the light of the Judeo-Christian faith, allows us to think of the total reality from a unitarian and integrative point of view of the ups and downs of each century.

The history of man, for many thousands of years, was formed at the level of the tribe, then at the level of a people, until reaching the great ancient civilizations that have never ceased to believe, in one way or another, in an omnipotent God, in a moral law and in the transcendence of life. The whole truth appears only with the successive revelations of God to the people of Israel, which end and begin institutionally, in a new and definitive way with the redemption of Christ.  To understand in depth what is happening today, there is no choice but to know this history, which has given its greatness to the West..

From the very beginning, the Christian faith had to endure persecution, first in Israel and then in Rome, until 313, when Emperor Constantine legalized it. But more struggles soon followed against groups that wanted to change the faith. In the 17th century, secret societies were organized for the first time with the aim of destroying Christianity. Their followers were recruited among the lower nobility, among the members of corporations and, above all, among the builders of churches and cathedrals, whose experience, art and science they passed on only to their own people. From this came the name Masons, which in English means builders of walls. It gained strength in Anglican England and branched out into regional structures, attracting mostly people of patrimony who had a need to know each other in order to increase their business..  The Bilderberg Club is inspired by this spirit and was created in 1954 by the German businessman Weisshaupt………………….

The influence of the Freemasons was kept at bay by more than fifteen condemnations promulgated by the Catholic Church, because the main purpose of Freemasonry is its infiltration and destruction.  However, it is only with the advent of modern means of diffusion – press, radio and television – that the Freemasons have been able to take effective advantage of them to shape in their favor the thinking of a human mass that was increasingly lacking in Christian formation. This was in keeping with the historical moment of each Western country.

The spread of atheistic rationalism

As is well known, secularism, or deviation from the Christian way of life, began a few centuries ago in the university professorships, and only with the appearance of the modern media did it manage to permeate to the lowest strata of society. Just as good has God Himself as its agent and protector, evil can also have an evil extra-worldly agent. In fact, Masons believe only in God as the architect of the universe, while declaring themselves to be servants of Baal.  The historical itinerary of the turning away from God manifests the following milestones in the political arena:

1789, the French Revolution, instigated by secret societies.

1917, the Russian Revolution, instigated and financed by the Freemasons, who took advantage of the desire of the then Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany to weaken and destabilize the government of the Russian Czar, against whom he was then at war.

1933, Hitler’s rise to power and the imposition of Nazism, which is a kind of cultural romanticism rooted in the mythology of the Valkyries and their gods.

1945 beginning of the de-Christianization actions, which manages to manifest all its morally disruptive force with the sexual revolution of the sixties, when some pharmacological companies manage to spread the contraceptive pill. In 1950 it was approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1960 under the name Enovid.  Its use was condemned by Pope Paul VI in his encyclical Humanae Vitae.

1975 onwards: digital communication and dissemination technology appears, making it possible to think in terms of changing the world in the image and likeness of what we know today as the new world order. The open actions, first in the USA and then in other countries, take the form of a whole dialectical ideological system, based on the deception that man is the cause of the destruction of the world by producing in the combustion processes an excess of CO2. The Marxist dialectic of the poor against the rich is replaced by the man-world binomials, white race against black race, woman against man, faith against the lack of it. The agents of this attempt are called globalists and it remains to be seen whether or not they are faithful continuators of ancient Freemasonry.


Today’s world is an Armageddon

La verdad desnuda sobre el CO2 y el clima

The globalist movement that began in 1975 is the same movement that was behind the terrorization of COVID 19, which is the first attempt to subjugate the whole world through the collusion of plutocrats, mainly in the USA, with state entities. Today there is enough evidence that everything was staged to reduce the world population and to achieve a tyrannical control over the world, through the infiltration of globalist agents in all government institutions, both in the state and in international bodies such as WHO, EU etc. What used to be called conspiracy, today is the open execution of what she had warned and anticipated. Probably even the war in Ukraine is the execution of a globalist plan that has under its influence the CIA and the US Armed Forces. In another article I will try to show how the globalists influence the whole world politics, seeking to save the US hegemony as the ideal basis for their actions.

Right now, our world is a veritable battlefield where passive goodwill is almost tantamount to going over to the enemy. The fight is being waged at the level of law-making, in universities, in official and private organizations. A few examples: in many universities, if a professor criticizes WOKE or LGBTer, he can lose his license and his professorship. The same goes for doctors, lawyers, banks etc. Another example: the truckers’ protests in Canada were violently aborted under threat of confiscation of their bank accounts. Then there was Bud Light’s attempt to put its messages on beer bottles, to which consumers responded with a boycott that brought down no less than the second largest beer company in the USA. Disney suffered the same fate when it tried to hide sexual messages from children in its productions.

The globalists now control at least half of the world economy, through their holding companies such as Black-Rock, Vanguard and many more. . The strings of control seem to be concentrated in a few people, who anonymously manipulate hundreds of millions of people without having to assume any responsibility for their interventions. Through Hollywood and Netflix, they have tried to put God aside. Both are struggling to survive and more and more facts are appearing that indicate the end of their absurd globalist pretensions to overthrow the world order established for two thousand years.


Mistakes that liquidate secret societies

Above we mentioned how large globalist companies are collapsing due to the boycott of their consumers. This is the case of Hollywood, Disney, Netflix and Bud Light in the USA They have all tried to win their customers to their cause by spreading messages favorable to the brutal sexualization of children and in the process trying to ‘sell’ the whole menu of their ideologies such as LGTB, Gender, WOKE, Critical Race Theory etc. In reality, it is well known that only a small minority in the USA and in the other countries identifies with these slogans of socio-political struggle, which are precisely the low-profile people, who have nothing to lose: immigrants, drug addicts and people who have not wanted to make the effort to acquire a professional education, becoming parasites who arrogate to themselves the right to be supported by the state.

In the USA, the globalist initiative of Ecological and Social Governance (Cómo actúa el Estado Profundo). is failing and is being prohibited by the States, as is the forced promotion of sex change.  In the same way it is failing in Canada, Holland, Germany, Australia and Spain. In Latin America, most governments have rejected the offer of advantageous funding conditional on the introduction of pro-LGBT laws and sex education for children.

The great globalist error is to suppose that the almost eight billion people that populate the earth are like dumb sheep that can always be successfully manipulated. We are faced with the typical materialistic prejudice that crashes against the freedom and dignity of man, who always reflects and seeks the good and the truth, despite his passing mistakes.




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