Russia proclaims holy war

Peter Kopa, Prague, 8.4.2024

The proclamation of holy war

From the very beginning of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church has approved and encouraged it. At the end of March it has taken a further step in this direction. Kirill, the Patriarch of Moscow, proclaimed in a document that the battle against Ukraine is a ‘holy war’, rejecting Western criticism as an illegal aggression, insisting that it is rather a ‘war of liberation’. In this combat, the document states, Russia is fighting against the ‘criminal regime in Kiev and against the corrupt West´, which would have given itself over to Satanism.

To understand this event, it is necessary to take into account the close union that has always existed between the Russian state and the Russian Orthodox Church.  We reported on this in our article . It is not known whether Putin moved Patriarch Kirill to take this step, or whether it was the other way around. In any case, Putin as head of the Russian state and thus also of the Russian Church, so that he enjoys broad support among the people that partly manifests a religious and nationalistic motivation. Unlike Islam and the Crusaders, the Orthodox Church has so far never used the word ‘holy war’, as it is an outdated concept, because it is burdened with sad historical reminiscences.

Radical commitment of the Orthodox Church

The proclamation of the holy war, referring to the ‘special military operation’ in Ukraine, as Putin always defines it, is a radical taking of a position in the temporal political order, which aims to bind consciences. This because by virtue of the union between the Orthodox Church and the Russian state, Putin is supposed to be invested with a quasi-divine authority. In 2020, the Church in Russia promulgated a document stating: ‘War is evil. Its cause lies in the abusive exercise of the freedom given to man by God’. Here it is still recognized that war is a necessary evil that is intended to protect (just) man and restore justice.

In this sense, Russia sees itself as an instrument that stops the nefarious action of the antichrist, as a means that divine providence employs so that good triumphs. The 2020 document has the attribute of ‘Nakas’, which means guideline or basis from which Putin and Russia moulds its political command. It was solemnly presented at the Cathedral of Christ the Redeemer in Moscow on the occasion of the World Congress of the Russian People. Under the chairmanship of Patriarch Kirill it is a forum of clergymen, politicians and other relevant personalities. Among them is the businessman Konstantin Malofejew, a very wealthy ultranationalist, as one of its leaders.

Hegemonic and imperial vision

The directives of the document, among other things, aim to achieve the reunification of the Russian people, which means reintegrating nations where there are even Russian minorities, such as the Baltic states and territories in Central Asia. The Patriarchate demands to implement the political doctrine of unity among the three main Russian populations, which are Russia itself, Belarus and Ukraine. And as if that were not enough, an energetic promotion of the birth rate is also planned, so that in a hundred years the Russian people would increase from its present 144 million to 600 million inhabitants. At the same time this implies blocking the entry of ‘foreign cultures’ which would be above all the Islamites. The Patriarch has made an urgent appeal to all clergymen to ask God for victory in Ukraine by frequent recitation of a prayer drafted by himself.



The above information appeared in German, in these days in Zurich, in the world’s most prestigious press, the NZZ. The above review calls for some additional comments:

The recent attack in Moscow has set the mood in Russia at a fever pitch. Putin is looking for ways to hold the USA responsible for this crime.

Russia is very likely to win the war because Ukraine has lost a lot of credibility in the West, so that aid is no longer given as it used to be. Then there is the problem of the lack of soldiers, as an estimated three hundred thousand have fallen so far. Very many Ukrainians have managed to save themselves from the war by emigrating from the country in time.

Unless some unexpected event occurs, it is likely that once Ukraine is subdued, Russia will begin to implement its plan to reunify the Russian people. It remains to be seen whether it will start with the Baltic countries or with some nations in Central Asia. Poland, for its part, is prepared for any Russian aggression. Most European countries, however, are not, and are facing the major problem of young people refusing military service and enlisting for war. This is one of the harmful results of the materialistic and atheistic culture.

For this and other reasons, experts say that NATO today is not the same as it was thirty years ago. On the question of Russia and Ukraine it is worth listening to the following prestigious US ‘gurus’: Jeffrey Sachs and Col. Douglas MacGregor:

Sachs speaks at the third minute:


In the last minutes MacGregor denounces the globalists, because they have also infiltrated the US military, the CIA and NATO. They are the ones who purposely promote the political-war decisions so catastrophic for Ukraine, USA and Europe. They seek to wipe out everything and then establish their own world order, which according to Col MacGregor they will never achieve because they are failing on all fronts such as WOKE, LTGB, genderism and destruction of the family.


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