Ideological background

Peter Kopa, Prague, 16.8.2024

Statement of the subject

Jordan Peterson once said that, in order to become aware of the endemic obesity in the most prosperous countries, it is enough to watch old documentary films, where fat people were rare. Something analogous is happening now, for example, in the way we value and treat domestic animals, which for millennia have been helping man even in hunting and herding livestock. We see that from the good sense that has a small dog to occupy and amuse the small children, to watch over the house etc., the treatment given to the domestic animal today presents ridiculous extremes that reveal some problem in its master. There are many who need dogs, cats or other animals to compensate psychically, for example, in a situation of loneliness, of imbalance, of need of company, to take care of another etc.

Unfortunately, psychic anomalies are reaching endemic levels, precisely in countries of high material prosperity and poor birth rate. Only a stable family, with children, allows both parents and children to enjoy optimal conditions for their happy human development. It remains to be seen whether the excessive anthropomorphization of domestic animals causes more harm than good. We refer here to the following: dogs that are walked in baby carriages. Or they are carried in their arms, so that their little paws don’t get dirty. Then there are so many that they bathe them -which is a remarkable Dana-, perfume them, clean their teeth and celebrate their birthday with a cake of good meat, with cream and candles… And the dog or cat of the day seems to manage to extinguish them somehow.

Hypothesis of an ideological background

On YouTube, for example, authors of animal videos earn a lot of money by creating scenes in which predatory beasts and cetaceans help humans or ask for help. A typical scene is that of a whale protecting divers against the attacks of a killer whale, or where a condor regularly returns to let itself be embraced by the one who had long ago saved it from death. This kind of equating of animals with man is partly due to the unconscious influence that the media have on us. I suspect that this is a programmed impact with ideological undertones, which seeks to denigrate man, just as zombie movies try to do, where human beings are presented as a disgusting plague of orcs, as if they had come out of the movie ‘The Lord of the Rings ‘.

This denigration is part of the globalist strategy to drastically reduce the population in each country, in addition to abortion, gender, Woke, Lgtb ideologies and the sexualization of children. All these are preparations that the Davos 2030 Agenda seeks to sweep away traditional culture, in order to establish the ‘new world order’ or the new dystopian world order.

This whole phenomenon raises the following questions:

– Why isn’t the wonder of children, who with their grace always outdo any animal, presented in the media just as often? Could it be that the anti-life attitude has created a sense of guilt and a psychic barrier that seeks some compensation in animals?
– Why do so many who pamper animals not reject abortion?
– Why does this ideology also idolize nature, identifying itself with the Davos Agenda 2030, which affirms that man is the great enemy of nature because he is to blame for a supposed atmospheric pollution that damages the climate and the earth itself? These errors have been scientifically disproved so many times, but the globalist-controlled mass media silence any criticism contrary to their globalist dogmas.

– Why have Hollywood, Netflix and Disney abused and instrumentalized their animal characters (Micky Maus, Donald Duck etc.) to promote among children the ideology of free sexual choice and its practice? The world public has reacted by boycotting these companies, with the immediate consequence of a fall in their share prices on the N. York stock exchange.

Other problems

Another big issue is the increasingly brutal violence in movies, manifesting at the same time the lowest intentions, such as hatred and revenge, where the viewer is moved to identify with them to the point of being able to fall into an immoral act. Why does moral censorship only focus on sexual scenes, as if it were the only moral evil? Production companies are well aware that violence and sex create addiction and ensure them box office successes, although lately it seems that this cocktail no longer works, as indicated by the huge losses suffered by Hollywood and Netflix. Hopefully this is due to the paradigm shift introduced by films that have discovered the interest in content with high moral standards. I refer to Mel Gibson’s ‘The Passion’ films, then ‘The sound of Freedom’ and ‘The Chosen’. Each has taken the box office by storm, earning margins never before seen in the history of cinema. Hollywood also wants to tap into this market vein, but it remains to be seen whether this foul-smelling swamp can produce spiritually fragrant flowers.


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