Coudenhove-Kalergi, the slayer of Europe


Coudenhove-Kalergi, the slayer of Europe

Peter Kopa, Prague, 21.5.2024

Riccardo Percivaldi published in Italian, in 2010, an article revealing the precursor work of the European Union undertaken by Richard Nicolaus Count von Coudenhove-Kalergi, (November 16, 1894, Tokyo – July 27, 1972, Schruns, Austria), a Freemason. He was an Austrian politician, philosopher and count who has promoted the idea of a united Europe with a central government.

However, today’s European Union was not founded on Coudenhove’s European conception because it was politically fluid and incoherent. In fact, politicians such as Adenauer, Winston Churchill, Alcide De Gasperi, Jean Monnet and Robert Schuman did more for the creation of the Union. Nevertheless, many of Count Coudenhove-Kalergi’s ideas have been applied to this day, such as European citizenship, the flag, Europe Day and the European anthem. So, here we will see what this forerunner of the European Union thought and did, in order to better understand the regrettable motives that move it today under the control of the Davos Agenda 2030.

Count Coudenhove-Kalergi, Europe’s executioner

Few know that he is one of the main precursors of the European unification process, he is the man who planned the mass immigration to Europe. He is an obscure Masonic figure, whose existence is not even known to the public today, but who is regarded by the “powerful” as the founding father of the European Union.

In 1922, Kalergi founded the “Pan-European” movement in Vienna, which anticipated the establishment of a New World Order based on a federation of nations governed by the United States. The unification of Europe was to be the first step toward a one-world government. With the rise of fascism in Europe, the plan had to be put on hold for a time, so the Pan-European Union was forced to dissolve. But after World War II, through frenetic and tireless activism, and with the support of Winston Churchill, the Masonic lodge B’nai B’rith and major newspapers such as the New York Times, Kalergi succeeded in pushing the project forward with the support of the U.S. government.

The ideological essence of the Kalergi plan

In his book “Practical Idealism”, Kalergi declares that the inhabitants of the future “United States of Europe” will no longer be the original peoples of the Old Continent, but some kind of subhuman beings created by the mixing of races. He argues that it is necessary to “crossbreed” the European peoples with Asians and blacks to create a multiethnic herd without specific characteristics, easily controlled by the elites in power.

Kalergi stated that the right of self-determination of nations should be abolished and gradually eliminated through ethnic separatist movements or inbred mass immigration.

In order for the elites to dominate Europe, he envisaged the transformation of homogeneous nations into hybrid peoples.  Driven by his ideology, he attributed to these mongrels characteristics such as cruelty and infidelity. This new hybrid people had to be created so that the elites could be superior to them.

First democracy, or the power of the people, had to be eliminated, and then the people themselves through hybridization. The whites were to be replaced by a mestizo race, easy to control.

Abolishing the principle of equality of all before the law and preventing criticism of minorities, which would be regulated by exceptional laws, would control the masses. The politicians of the time listened to Kalergi and the Western powers focused on his plan.  American newspapers and secret services financed projects aimed at realizing his ideas. European political leaders know that Kalergi is the architect of our Europe of Brussels and Maastricht. Kalergi, unknown to the public, is also considered the father of Maastricht and multiculturalism.

The revolutionary thing about his Plan is that he does not preach genocide as a tool to achieve power, but foresees the creation of “subhumans” who, because of their negative characteristics, such as incompetence and instability, tolerate and accept the “noble race”, the elite. These ideas are so perverse that even Hitler had all his books burned: here we see how an evil can pursue an even worse evil.

Why is Count Kalergi honored?

The European Coudenhove-Kalergi Prize was created in honor of Kalergi. Every two years it is awarded to Europeanists who have particularly distinguished themselves in the implementation of their criminal plan. They include Angela Merkel, who was the first to receive this award in 2010, and Herman van Rompuy, who received it in 2012, at a special congress held in Vienna to commemorate 90 years of the pan-European movement. The photo behind him shows the symbol of the Pan-European Union: a red cross on a golden sun, the symbol of the Rosicrucian Order.

The UN promotes the destruction of Europe with its constant incitement to take in millions of refugees to compensate for the low birth rate in Europe. The same could be said about the USA, where in the last three years 7 million Mexicans and Caribbeans have been let in.  The report of the UN Population Division in New York, January 2000, is entitled “Migration to replace indigenous populations: a solution to aging and population decline”.

In fact, Europe’s declining birth rate could be overcome by measures to support families. And it is clear that the genetic composition of Europeans would not suffer with a different genetic composition, taking into account the history of the mixing of peoples and races over the last two millennia.

Thus, the sole aim of these measures is to completely cancel the nation, to turn it into a society of people without any ethnic, historical and cultural cohesion. The theses of the Kalergi Plan form the basis of the official policy of some governments which aim to annihilate the European peoples by means of mass immigration. G. Bock Chisholm, former director of the World Health Organization, summed up the lesson of Kalergi when he said: “What people everywhere need to develop is birth control and mixed (interracial) marriages to create a single race in a single world, dependent on central authority”.


In the face of this world plot, we can better understand the promotion of abortion (so far, more than 50 million abortions), the establishment of the pandemic ( the pretension of the WHO to take over world command over health, overriding national sovereignty (, and the Davos 2030 Agenda.  Above all, however, is the purpose of infiltrating and destroying the Church in the West and in the East. Finally, the war in Ukraine is one more ‘puzzle’in this huge constellation of current events. It is clear that, in the long run, good will triumph over evil, but at the price of great suffering and death.

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