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Lenore Skenazy declara que los cuidados y vigilancias excesivos de los padres está paralizando a la próxima generación.
«Si no estás pensando en ese peor escenario como padre, se te considera malvado», dice Lenore Skenazy. «Tenemos una sociedad que se ha dedicado a asegurarse de que los niños no tengan que enfrentarse a nada aterrador o malo».
La crianza neurótica impide que los niños se desarrollen emocionalmente y se hagan independientes, dice Lenore Skenazy, fundadora del movimiento Free Range Kids y presidenta de la organización sin ánimo de lucro Let Grow.
Lenore Skenazy: How Overparenting Is Crippling the Next Generation
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“If you’re not thinking about that worst-case scenario as a parent, you’re considered evil,” says Lenore Skenazy. “We have a society that has dedicated itself to making sure that children won’t have to deal with anything scary or bad.”
Neurotic parenting is preventing children from developing emotionally and becoming independent, says Lenore Skenazy, founder of the Free Range Kids movement and president of the Let Grow nonprofit.
Once dubbed “America’s Worst Mom” after letting her 9-year-old son take the New York subway alone, she’s featured in the new documentary “Chasing Childhood.”