Why does the left have seven lives?

Peter Kopa, 27.9.2020

The great phenomenon

It is striking that, two hundred years on from the birth of Marx, communist ideology is resurfacing again and again, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, 31 years ago, when this event was thought to be his final and definitive death sentence. It is equally curious that intellectuals throughout the world, especially in the educational and media sectors, still have within them the DNA of contempt for capitalism, although even Russia and China have bet on this economic system. Why not look at the disastrous leftist experiment in Venezuela and that of other countries in Latin America and Africa? Extreme socialism has never produced any satisfactory results in history, but rather has always ended in the extermination of its opponents, in poverty and bitterness.

Absurd accusations against the free market

It is not possible to discuss the subject with leftist intellectuals, because they maintain a dogmatic attitude, in the absence of arguments. They say that the open market and democratic freedom is something immoral, a system that only seeks economic profit, thus satisfying the selfishness and greed that poison these undertakings. This accusation and sentence, which does not allow any defense to the accused, immediately goes on to list the charges of the conviction: to affirm that the free capitalist market is guilty of the exploitation of man, responsible for wars, the unjust distribution of goods, the poisoning of the environment, the climatic catastrophe, poverty, migratory movements, financial abuses in the capital markets, etc.

And the incredible thing is that the mainstream media are the ones who propagate these errors over and over again, because apparently their bosses have agreed to do so already decades before. Even sources considered rather conservative have learned the art of informing in such a way that the reader tends to reach the socialist conclusions that interest them. And all this is offered in the tray of a professional staging of images and videos, thus avoiding publishing real and scientific data, showing instead children dying of hunger in Africa, people who die by drowning while trying to reach Spain, some hungry white bear floating on a piece of ice, storms and hurricanes due to CO2 in the atmosphere, Greta’s tears etc.

On the other hand, they will never show the disasters and injustices in communist Russia, nor the hecatomb in Venezuela, nor the drama of the abortions that in Europe have already killed 50 million unborn children, nor will they think of comparing South Korea with North Korea, nor allow so many scientists, who oppose climate and environmental terrorism, to demonstrate. Just open the following Youtube links to see the side hidden by the mainstream-media:

Climate change


Prof. Dyson

Prof. Happer:

Master, 40′ about the great lie:

Global warming

Global warming

Climate change

An attempt to explain the phenomenon

To understand what is illogical, we must examine the nature of man, where we find alongside reason also the irrational element of feeling and passion, which, as we know, can violate the understanding.  At this point there is no choice but to recall the very ancient teaching of revelation, given to the Jewish people in the Scriptures, about the deep wound that every man has in his soul: original sin, which inclines man to think and do evil. This is the drama that every man has to face in order to do good and counteract evil. Jordan Peterson has spoken much about this shadow of evil, and besides, all-natural religions in one way or another say the same.

A typical symptom of this injury is envy of the prosperity of the silent majority, who work their 8-10 hours as wealthy businessmen or employees, which for the socialists produces inferiority complexes and even arrogant hatred, obfuscating the dictates of reason itself. This mechanism, when it is established as a quasi-cultural and pseudo-scientific feature in a large group of intellectuals, is very difficult to overcome.  They cannot stand it because, so often, a person with much less light than they are, can be in a much better economic situation.

The argument of profit, selfishness, greed, etc. are nothing but mechanisms of self-justification of one’s own position, which does not want to know that historically, all well placed entrepreneurs have started from scratch, have worked from sunrise to sunset, taking risks, and so many times failing, until they finally managed to offer a product or service for which others freely paid a price that included, logically, the profit margin as compensation for their efforts.

The leftist intellectual does not want to thank either for his good salary as an employee in the education sector, in the media, etc., which is possible because in the country there are thousands of companies and employees who work, generating the taxes that make their good life possible. They tend to seek political power, and when they achieve it at a high level, they always begin by punishing the capitalist economy with taxes and laws that in the end produce the crisis of unemployment and the process of impoverishment of everyone.

That said, conservative thinking should not give up looking for the defects that the neoliberal conception of the economy has, for example, which is what the video points to, the link to which is below the title of this article.

What does Neil Ferguson say?

In an interview at Stanford over a year ago, he said, “As a right-wing man you are a potential Nazi today. But communists are unimpeachable social democrats.

Niall Ferguson is one of the most important historians today. He explains how the Anglo-Saxon political left has infiltrated the universities, and why those who always speak of inclusion systematically exclude those who do not think like them. This leads to non-aligned students on the left feeling deprived of their freedom. Pluralism of ideas, which only exists on a racial and sexual level, has been left out.  More on this, Jordan Peterson tells us:





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