Why does globalism support the left?



Peter Kopa, Prague, 30.11.2021

We offer a review of an article by Brandon Smith dated 24.11.21, published in Alt-Market-USA, which analyzes this question in the USA. His arguments, however, make it possible to recognize analogous phenomena in other Western countries according to the particular circumstances of each nation. In spite of everything, in society in the USA and in the world, non-leftists continue to prevail, in the midst of a great social, economic, political and psychological war. This is a ˇKulturkampf’ without precedent in history, which will ultimately end with the triumph of truth and common sense, but it will cost many sacrifices. Indeed, more and more thinkers are standing firmly on the side of good, noiselessly.


Distinguishing features of the left in the USA

In the USA and in many countries that receive their strong influence, leftists are now the only socio-political force supporting the draconian government measures and the the oppressive corporate monopoly we have suffered since the emergence of COVID two years ago:

They are the only people who support mass censorship against opposing viewpoints through big tech and social media.

They alone demand the depopulation and liquidation of public personalities who dare to express any views contrary to their leftist narrative.

They are the only group that has a large majority in support of the authoritarian blockades and mandates of the COVID agenda.

Leftists are the only people aggressively calling for forced vaccination of the population. They are the only people demanding that the unvaccinated be fired from their jobs, on pain of criminal charges.

They are also alone in indoctrinating children in schools with Critical Race Theory, which is essentially ancient racism that has now become an ideology with academic pretensions.

Only they are hyper-obsessed with the imposition of sex education through official provisions, as is unfortunately the case also in the EU.

In this left-wing faction, professional agitators of low personal and professional profile abound. They are political opportunists who hold themselves isolated from the working class, and only a few years ago it was thought that they could do no more harm to society. But this has not been the case. Why?

The left is a threat

In reality, they are a minority, but they are highly organized, they have a one-track mindset, and their relevance arises from the fact that they are being instrumentalized, as useful fools, by the official authorities, and these, in turn, have been corrupted for this by the big capital of the globalist multinational corporations.

The point is that many conservatives wrongly assume that the political left has become some sort of legitimate autonomous force within the American culture. The reality is the opposite dynamic; it is government institutions and big business that have become decidedly globalist, that manipulate and promote the political left. The leftists are instruments created by the globalist system; they are not a “grassroots” movement that “opposes patriarchy”. They are all slaves of the globalist plantation.

Now we can understand why the police have a tendency to let unpunished leftist demonstrations that loot and burn in the cities? In almost all cases, at least in the U.S., city and state officials order the police to stand down; they tell them to do nothing.

Instead, we have seen police forces deployed against peaceful protesters at events like the G20. When police officers really want to control and disperse a crowd, they have many weapons in their arsenal to do so. The fact is that left-wing riots are allowed to continue for several days because they are allowed to do so. When they are arrested for their destructive activities, they are usually released without charge.

The truth is that the leftists would have no power to liquidate anyone without the constant support of the big globalist tech companies like Hollywood, the media, social media and most international institutions and corporations. These companies don’t really care what the vast consumer market thinks of their products and services, because they have managed to keep them at bay through fear and dependence on them.

Yet they are the globalist base of support that enables leftists to ruin the lives of millions of people. The globalist business world helps the leftists, because the goals of the left serve corporate interests (for now), especially for the destruction of the traditional world order, in order to replace it with a new world order.


The Biden Plot

Biden and half part of the Democratic leadership oppose white supremacy and the white majority, claiming it is unjust.  In fact, it is an ideology of social struggle, and thus, the party has become exactly what it was always intended to be, at least since Barack Obama: a vehicle for communist subversion. Normal Democrats and moderates may disagree with this kind of extreme ideological fanaticism, but most of them keep their mouths shut because they fear being labeled heretics and driven from their positions. Many excuse themselves on the grounds that they support the cause only so as not to stand out.


The globalist foundations

This brings us to the underlying core of all socio-political influence: the globalist foundations. Where do leftist groups get all the funding to launch organizations like Black Lives Matter? How do programs like social justice and Critical Race Theory find their way so quickly into the university world and throughout the public school system? What is the origin of cultural Marxism and how did it become so pervasive in the education sector and in major networks?

Globalist financial backers such as the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Tavistock Institute, George Soros’ Open Society Foundation, etc. are usually the source of the seed money, and often the blueprint, for most leftist movements. For example, the Open Society Foundation and the Ford Foundation, associated with Borealis Philanthropy, were key in the creation of BLM, funneling hundreds of millions of dollars into the movement in its early days.

The Ford Foundation, the Open Society, the Rockefeller Foundation, and dozens of other globalist institutions are also deeply involved in funding and proliferating Critical Race Theory and gender studies programs. They are pumping hundreds of millions of dollars into social justice groups as well as university indoctrination.

In addition, globalist institutions and international corporations have invested some $50 billion in the development of social justice programs. Corporations implement not only indoctrination courses for their employees, but also spread SJW (Social Justice Warrior) propaganda into the public’s subconscious through advertisements and popular media.

In reality, this has been going on since many years ago through subversive and secret means. It was globalist institutions such as the Rockefeller Foundation and the Ford Foundation that funded different elements of the feminist movement and “gender studies” since the late 1960s.

We cannot forget to include the Rockefeller Foundation’s large grants to “The Feminist Press” and the Ford Foundation’s programs to prepare teachers to insert social justice studies subjects into their curricula. This is openly stated, for example, in Alison R. Bernstein’s book ‘Funding the Future: Philanthropy’s Influence on America’s Higher Education’. Bernstein is the Vice President for Education at the Ford Foundation and the former Associate Dean of the Princeton faculty.

Agenda 2030 proclaimed at Davos

It is no coincidence that almost every facet and goal of left-wing activism also figures in the goals of the UN’s Agenda 2030 initiative, which mixes some very positive elements about “equality” and ending poverty into a disturbing statement of intent about “transforming the world” through global “inclusivity,” aggressive “sustainability,” and racial and gender “equity.” If we’re not familiar with these buzzwords, we should be: they represent an entire Orwellian program of social engineering that the UN purports to spearhead.

I have asked the following question of leftists lately and have yet to receive any concrete or meaningful answers: if you are supposed to be the underdogs and the revolutionaries, why are all the evil money elites on your side? Why are all the people you claim to be fighting against giving you billions of dollars and imposing their political will on you? Could it be possible that the corporatists, the globalists and you leftists are all part of the same machine? Think about it…

The relationship between the agenda of the globalists and the agenda of the political left is increasingly evident and intertwined. The globalists want to dismantle traditional Western structures, and so do the leftists. Globalists want to dictate economic growth through carbon metrics and climate change catastrophism, just as leftists do. Globalists promote a decidedly communist approach to private property and the economy, arguing for the “Sharing Economy,” Universal Basic Income (UBI) and for a world in which “we will own nothing and be happy.” Leftists are embracing this concept because they prefer to usurp what others have achieved with their labor rather than earn it for themselves.

Of course, the money elites will continue to retain their wealth and influence while the rest of us become “equal” through the equality of poverty, but let’s not dwell on that….

The globalist plot

What I see moving forward is that the left is becoming the Czech, or the political commissars of the globalist “Great Reset”. They have been molded for decades for this role and their purpose is to provide an element of social force and the illusion of consensus. What is interesting about this strategy is that it seeks to exploit people who feel “oppressed” by the existing system, or who have been taught to feel oppressed. As it is in any case a Marxist-minded power, the globalists use the “dispossessed” as a shield to gain more and more power.

Every time any conservative criticizes the lies and manipulation of the Black Lives Matter movement, for example, they accuse them of “racism.” And here’s the big trick: We all know that BLM (founded by devout Marxists and funded by globalists) has nothing to do with civil rights or racial justice, but is just a tool to destroy Western society and replace it with a dystopian nightmare. That is what we are criticizing. The dignified lives of black people are not the problem, the problem is globalism and communism. Social justice and leftist movements are a smokescreen for a larger agenda, and leftists love to be used.

Why do they do it? It is a mistake to assume that they are simply “useful idiots.” Yes, some of them are, however, I believe that the people who fall into the leftist cult are people who are inclined to do so. They are narcissistic, psychopathic, degenerate, lazy, spoiled and weak. They are people who are generally not capable of independent survival and they know it, so they look for collectivist frameworks to join and feed off of.

Question: how is it that a mob of BLM leftists attacks Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha and every person he shoots or attempts to shoot ends up having an extensive and violent criminal record?

It is important to understand this dynamic going forward, because I often see the argument that the globalists are trying to “divide and conquer” America. In reality, we are already divided and have been for some time. Trying to talk to moderates and educate them on the facts is one thing, but there is very little point in trying to do diplomacy with leftists. They have already chosen a side, and it is not the side of reason or freedom.



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