Ukraine at Russia’s Mercy

Erik Prince: NATO vs. Russia, the Secrets of Drone Warfare, and CIA Corruption (

The Editor, Prague, 27.5.2024

This week Erik Prince gave a wide-ranging interview to the prestigious journalist Tucker Carlson, in which he defined his thoughts on the future development of the war in Ukraine. According to Wikipedia: Erik Dean Prince (Holland, Michigan, June 6, 1969) is the American businessman and former military officer best known as the founder of the private military company Blackwater, now known as Academi. He is a practicing Catholic with seven children. From 1997 to March 2009, Prince was CEO of Blackwater, and then served as chairman of the board until 2010, when Blackwater was acquired by a group of investors. Prince currently lives in the United Arab Emirates.

Along with Douglas Macgregor and Jeffrey Sachs, he is one of America’s foremost security experts who hold very different views from the mainstream media. He explains why the defeat of Ukraine is inevitable, referring, moreover, in this context, to the innovative position taken by Viktor Orban.  Russian troops are advancing in all directions. More and more military strategists in NATO countries are warning that the initial predictions of the US military leaders, forecasting Russia’s defeat, are unrealistic.

In the years of the US war on terror, under President Bush Jr, Prince controlled the world’s largest private military company, Blackwater, through which the Pentagon spent tens of billions of dollars a year. Now he is again close to the more than likely new US President Donald Trump. Their views on the future course of the war in Ukraine have long coincided. In his view, there will be an inevitable defeat of both the Zelensky regime and the current ruling political establishment in the West.

Ukraine will cease to exist

Prince is certain that Ukraine, despite massive Western aid, will eventually lose the war. According to Prince, the summer battles will decide the future political map of Ukraine. It will most certainly split into an “eastern Russian Ukraine” and “some form of western Ukraine,” according to Prince. If the Russians also take control of Odessa, according to Prince, Ukraine as an independent state would cease to exist, because “it will no longer have a way to export its grain,” and its economy will collapse and there would be no money to pay (or corrupt) state officials.

What does the future hold for Ukraine?

Prince thinks that a future peace conference will divide Ukraine between Russia, which will get most of the territory, and Poland, which will somehow get the associated regions of Lviv and Volyn. The idea that Ukraine will regain territory that Putin has already occupied is meaningless, because even the United States is now no longer militarily capable of changing the situation.

He said that Ukraine is now in an extremely bad military situation, as evidenced by this week’s sudden order that 60% of its officers be immediately transferred from the General Staff to combat units at the front. To thus liquidate the “brains of the army”, its General Staff, in the middle of the war, is tantamount to an open acknowledgement of the enormous losses the Ukrainian army has suffered.

Thus, Prince’s predictions about the direct proportion of Ukraine’s economic collapse in relation to the total number of dead and disabled coincide exactly with the predictions of Ukrainian scientists of the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences. Equally accurate are Prince’s conclusions about the huge Ukrainian losses that are disintegrating Ukrainian society, which have already been indirectly confirmed by the top Ukrainian sociologist.

Orban out of NATO?

Most inexplicable was sending Kamala Harris years ago to promise Zelensky that Ukraine would become a member of NATO. This open statement by Biden’s vice president was, according to Prince, a declaration of war on Russia. And Russia reacted in the same way as the US reacted when Khrushchev installed Soviet missiles in Cuba in 1962.

Victor Orban, who is the European politician closest to Trump, has already ordered Hungarian government lawyers to initiate steps to change the terms of Hungary’s NATO membership so that Hungarians will not have to participate in wars outside their territory or send weapons to them. It seems increasingly clear that Trump will turn the US rudder in the complete opposite direction, and Ukraine’s NATO membership will be ruled out by the treaty signed with Russia.

Germany finally rectifies its policy

Perhaps the clearest signal in this regard was sent this week, surprisingly, by the Germans. Wolfgang Steiger, chief spokesman of the CDU’s Economic Council, warned that Germany cannot afford to be dragged into a trade war with China because 25% of German jobs depend directly on exports to China. Germany will therefore force Brussels, and through it the United States, to stop instigating trade wars. At the same time, Chancellor Scholz has steadfastly refused to supply Kiev with offensive missiles and other weapons that Zelensky could use to attack Russia.

The German statements coincide with other significant attitudes in Washington: Biden will not fly to Zelensky’s “peace summit” in Switzerland (instead, he will attend a party with actress Julia Roberts). And Putin will at the same time organize his own peace summit.

It seems increasingly clear that Ukraine will soon be sacrificed by the United States (and subsequently by the “complacent” West – except, no doubt, for Fiala’s probelic attitude in Prague and for Macron’s in France) in favor of improving relations with Moscow and with Beijing. The logic, according to Prince, is simple: the United States can no longer throw tens of billions of dollars into a quasi-war with Russia because it must focus on its own economy and try to cope with the rise of China.

The bill for the US military hawks: hundreds of thousands of dead and 2 trillion euros. In this logic, Ukraine no longer has any place or relevance, and it is only a matter of time before a “final solution to the Ukrainian question” is negotiated.

Given the close relations of Tucker, Prince and Orban with Trump, and the equally close relations of the CDU leadership with German industrialists, it seems obvious that the war is heading towards an outcome according to Putin’s demands at the end of 2021.

But how will Kiev and Western politicians explain to their constituents the hundreds of thousands of dead and maimed Ukrainians, and the 2 trillion Euros poured by the West into the Kiev regime’s black hole of corruption (ostensibly for the war, and for reconstruction of the war damage)? I guess even they don’t know.

Our comments

The defeat of Ukraine means a heavy blow against the globalists of the Davos 2030 Agenda, as they were the ones who have instigated it through the influence they have in the CIA and the US Military. This failure also drags down many other moves set up by them, such as WOKE, genderism, LGBT etc. And many of their economic elites will stop making money in arms production and sales.

Source: Eric Prince’s recent interview with Tucker Carlos and ‘Protiproud’ study of 25.5.2024, Czech newspaper, conducted by Michal Svatoš.




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