The Editor, 4.8.2023, Prague – The English version follows below.

We present here a summary of an article by Prof. Wolfgang Bok, freelance journalist and Professor of Strategic Communication at the University of Heilbronn. He was editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Heilbronner Stimme”. His ideas were commented on 1.8.2023 in the best Swiss press, the NZZ. Bok denounces a certain cowardice of the silent majority, which lets the globalist play his game and at the same time is shocked at how bad the world is. It is clear that the case of Germany is analogous to what is happening, unfortunately, throughout Europe.

In today’s Germany, politically dominated by the colors of the rainbow, which is a cocktail of LGBT, WOKE and genderism, a minority deals the cards and then sets itself up as the orchestra leader of the game. Anyone who does not resolutely oppose the political transformation intended by woken activists is aligning themselves with it. Wanting to be “in a neutral middle” only leads to a lack of civic engagement. An example of this attitude is to see how the Christian Democratic Union has fared.

The wheat and the tares

Imagine German society as an apartment building in which middle-class families have settled comfortably. But one of the owners rents out his small penthouse to a community, whose members gradually become authoritarian paternalistic leftists. Before long, they become increasingly offensive, to the point of wanting to turn the whole house into a drop-in center for everyone. The rainbow flag hangs in a big way from the balcony. The garden gate and the front door are not locked, and a banner reads in large colorful letters: “Refugees are welcome”. Los ataques de Cancel Culture

Bismarck Street is renamed after an African asylum seeker. Anyone who opposes all this is called a racist, a xenophobe or a Nazi. The Maiers and the Müllers, in whose families the mothers “only” take care of the family and the daughters who attend school civilized, are suspected of being right-wingers. For “Nazi” is now everything that rejects Woke’s vigilant ‘Zeitgeist’ (the Spirit of Time, an expression cradled by German philosophy).

Although in the building the majority protests, it does so very quietly, allowing itself to be dragged down by the moral arrogance of the minority.  Suddenly the impression arises that nothing is more important to the German people than climate protection, the reception of refugees and the colorful LGBT community. And churches, nature protection associations, foundations and even the city council lend themselves to this game, offering space and money. This arrogant minority, like wolves in front of the lambs, proclaims itself the majority in the name of democracy. Thus, anyone who dares to rebel against the paternalism imposed by it is branded as an anti-democrat who secretly sympathizes with “the Nazis of the AfD”. (This abbreviation stands for Alternative for Germany. It is the German conservative party that is right now sweeping the municipal polls in its favor).

The cowardice of the bourgeois center

El poder de una persona

Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann, founder of German opinion studies, already deciphered the phenomenon described above as the “spiral of silence” in 1976. She argues that the desire to please is one of the virtues of the middle classes. It is about not offending and contradicting the Zeitgeist. The so-called center bourgeoisie continues to suffer from this pitiful fear to this day, leading to political compromises that have been nothing but a patch put over another patch, without opening and cleaning the infection underneath, without slitting and cleaning the wound.

Thus we see that the thesis of the social psychologist Paul Watzlawick is also valid in politics: incommunicability does not exist: anyone who does not clearly contradict a political transformation is indirectly making common cause with it. Wanting somehow to be only “in the middle” leads first to a lack of protagonism – and then to political punishment, as the Christian Democratic Union in Germany is suffering right now, having lost the support of its voters.

More cases of political naivety

Also noteworthy is the case of psychologist Ahmad Mansour, who has been fearlessly denouncing the dangers of political Islamism for years in Berlin. Now he is again facing a smear campaign, which began in a Muslim magazine published in Britain, which accuses Mansour of lying and deceit. This, in turn, is amplified in Germany by the advocates of a left-wing multicultural world with their usual arrogance.

The “Süddeutsche Zeitung” followed the money trail in this affair, and found that Qatar is the source of funding for the Muslim magazine published in Great Britain. In other words: the Greens, part of the socialist SPD party and, of course, the Left Party, who brand criticism of political Islamism as racism, create German state-funded programs against “Islamophobia”. Thus they lend themselves to be the willing puppets of a Mohammedan country that shares none of their globalist convictions. On the contrary, Qatar persecutes homosexuality and finances an illiberal, authoritarian and violent Islamism, also in Europe.

They do not realize their political schizophrenia even “when multiculturalism goes down the drain”, as the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung refers to the violent excesses in German open-air swimming pools. It is grotesque: “On the one hand, mostly left-wing circles fight for the right of women to swim topless, but on the other hand they close their eyes to the problems of environments in which women are seen as easy prey, even in bikinis, and girls are forbidden to go swimming.”

The “Süddeutsche Zeitung” asks for understanding for the fact that people in conservative societies such as Syria may consider it obscene for women to lick an ice cream in a phallic form. So much for the “submission” recommendation already predicted by French writer Michel Houellebecq in his 2015 novel.

Why are the lambs silent?

In the last analysis, they keep quiet because they lack firm convictions regarding values that can never be negotiable, such as the dignity of man, the inalienability of his constitutional rights and, above all, his right to be free and to seek the truth. Then there is the problem of attachment to a comfortable life, full of small pleasures, which one is not willing to risk with a firm attitude of protest. Its forms can be very varied. Every citizen has the obligation in conscience to do everything possible to intervene in political decisions. And this not only through sporadic voting, but by allying with others, demonstrating through social networks and even through street demonstrations.  The political fuss that creates the rainbow political spectrum is a paper tiger that collapses at the first breath of a firm political attitude of people who have something to defend: their families, their patrimony, their future and a whole culture of traditional values that has made the West great.

This political and civic process is in full swing, first in the USA -which is the mother of all problems-, then in many other countries such as Germany, Holland, Eastern European countries, Italy, Spain, Canada, Australia, Latin American countries, etc. There are many reasons for optimism and we can see a new and better world coming in the distant future, but it will cost many sacrifices.

The first martyrs have fallen because of the COVID 19 hoax, then there are at least 400,000 dead on both sides in the war in Ukraine. The world atmosphere is tense, fearing more wars with China, Israel and Poland. At the same time the globalists are keeping us on tenterhooks regarding the supply of gas, oil and food. In this regard, the large multinationals can cancel the supply chains. At the moment they are blackmailing us with price increases that cannot be justified by inflation alone. The blowing up of the undersea gas pipeline has been like a stab in the heart of Europe, causing a dizzying rise in gas prices. Another suicidal measure has been the EU’s ban on vehicles with internal combustion engines, claiming to be pulled by strings from outside Europe.

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