The rise of the right

Peter Kopa, Prague, 10.7.2024

I comment below on a number of news and commentaries in the German media and in the Zurich nzz:

Political swing to the right

Until recently, the impression prevailed that the traditional political parties in Europe would continue their political course against the majority. But the farmers’ protests and the enormous damage inflicted by the EU on the automobile industry by requiring electric motors from 2030 were the final straw that brought about the political collapse of the social-demo-left. And not only in Europe. Ursula von der Leyen’s Green Deal, which in Germany lost the support of both the Social Democrats and the Christian Democrats, has been stopped in its tracks.

Farmers, with their tractors, have gone to the capitals to protest, in France, Poland, Germany, Spain, Holland and Belgium. They have been the forceful spokesmen of the citizens’ anger. In the elections of the 720 members of the European Parliament, a great conservative force has prevailed to the point that now Von der Leyen implores, without hesitation or embarrassment, the support of Giorgia Meloni and Marine Le Pen, thus demonstrating a great opportunistic flexibility in the search for support from the right-wing parties.

Geert Wilders, in the Netherlands, has been voted in by traditionally conservative forces that have suddenly realized his enormous political strength. This government has introduced a hitherto unprecedented regime of maximum restriction on the issue of the right to political asylum for immigrants. Likewise ĺconservative parties on the right, in the European countries mentioned above, are becoming aware of the political potential they have in their hands.

A paradigm shift×576.jpg

The term ‘right-wing populism’ has lost, overnight, its pejorative meaning imposed by the old political coalition, as have other analogous concepts used in political discourse. It remains to be seen to what extent right-wing governments will be consistent with what citizens expect from them. The most important points are these:

Change the deal with the Russians and cut off the shipment of arms and aid to Ukraine. At this point it is incalculable the political and economic damage caused by the slavish obedience of the leading European countries to the dictates of the USA in coalition with the EU. It does not appear that their aggressive policy – instigated by the globalists of the Davos 2030 Agenda – has support among the citizenry, both in the USA and in Europe.

Countering the bad influence of globalist ideologies in Europe. Hopefully, changes of officials in national political bodies will no longer have secret agents of globalism in their ranks. In a ‘reckless’ statement, recently Dr. Klaus Schwab publicly admitted that the Davos Agenda has a high ‘penetration’of its agents in governments. And these are the ones who are trying to introduce laws favorable to sex change, abortion, euthanasia and so many bad things, such as sex education and training of children.

The underlying problem

There has always been in history a tension between the government and its subjects. And this both at the tribal level and later in the various civilizations such as Egypt, Rome, Greece, Persia, etc. And later in the Christian kingdoms. In the background has always been the question of whether the government is at the service of all, on the basis of constitutions limiting the established power, or whether the people are tyrannically exploited. These two poles, in the European historical reality, have been combined in variants ranging from the best to the worst tyranny, according to the degree of respect for human rights based on Christian doctrine.

This evolution had an unexpected downfall due to the departure from these principles. Concretely we see this in the French Revolution of 1789 and then in the communist and Nazi ideology. These two experiments cost the lives of 140 million people. And the amazing thing is that this sad experience was forgotten in Europe. In spite of having been constituted as constitutional states, based on a constitution, there soon appeared among the official officials the tendency to subjugate the citizens under a certain political guardianship. Thus the state was unnecessarily assuming functions that go far beyond its essential task: to legislate, to govern and to judge, corresponding to the legislative, executive and judicial power. To this should be added military defense and little else. This is the profile of a right-wing political regime, which leaves a wide margin of freedom to individual initiative, both in the economic sector and in other matters such as education, health and everything social, where the state should limit itself to avoid abuses and injustices, by means of official prescriptions. And, at the same time, subsidizing initiatives that are convenient or necessary for the common good.

On the other hand, the opposite extreme of the left, we see the opposite: the state is understood as a ‘fac totum’ that monopolizes everything, leaving the citizen capitisdisminuted, subjected to curatorship, as if he were an incapable minor. Consequently, the regime of the open and free economy condemns it as a system where the rich exploit the poor. And yet, in the last two centuries, this regime alone has allowed an astonishing economic growth in favor of all, not just the rich. And this growing wealth, especially in the West, has been stifled again and again by socialist regimes: on the one hand they strangle economic freedom and on the other hand they distribute the goods accumulated by it in the previous right-wing political regimes. It is high time that the citizens’ right to referendum is introduced as an additional guarantee to the constitution:×683.jpg.

Currently there is a whole series of countries victims of tyrannies disguised as democratic legitimacy, such as Venezuela and Nicaragua, or victims of the gangsterism caused by drug trafficking, as is the case of Mexico:



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