The power of the masses  I


Peter Kopa, June 2020

Corona virus as weapon to control the world?

A little bit of history

I’ve been living in Prague since 1991 and every time I take the metro at Hradcanska station I see a lapidary phrase, carved in ceramics in the time of communism, which reads: ‘All power in the Czechoslovak Republic belongs to the working class’. So many times I said to myself, I have to turn this into a small study of the power of the people, of the mass of people. The inscription cited suggests the idea of the absolute superiority of the people, as a power that in the long run or in the short run is imposed against any oppressive or manipulative authority.

Unfortunately, this is not so, because it would require in each individual a solid formation in the doctrines of the spiritual dignity of man, and, at the same time, extraordinary human virtues. Both elements could indeed ensure the predominance of the people and ensure pure democratic government. But the reality is that man has behaved in history more like a docile sheep, which has been sheared, its milk and its meat used by political authorities or interest groups.  And this has almost always been the case, with its ups and downs.

Since the dawn of civilization, man, as a rational and free being, has had the need to live in society, in order to achieve the conditions for his material, cultural and spiritual subsistence. The first forms of cohesion have been the tribe, which could be formed by several families and initially were nomadic, until they have learned to cultivate their food and to subject some animals to domestic breeding. Subsequent evolution over hundreds of thousands of years reaches our days, where human contingents can number in the hundreds of millions forming a single nation. Progress in knowledge and techniques has gradually given rise to a very sophisticated structures, as can be seen in the current state of law, which is one nation or several, united by a common history, language, ethnicity, etc., although these elements have been relativized lately due to the great geographical mobility of the masses, always seeking better living conditions.

Practice of control of the human mass

Edward Bernays, a close relative of Sigmund Freud, laid the theoretical foundations of modern propaganda and of the influence that an authority exercises on the human mass, whether it be a nation, an economic market, an army, a racial group, etc. He wrote the following:

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this invisible mechanism of society constitute an invisible government, which is the real ruling power in a country.  In being governed, our minds are shaped, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, in large part, by men we have never heard of. In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social behavior or in our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of people who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the strings that control the minds of the public, to harness the old social forces and create new ways of binding and guiding the world.

Fear as the First Weapon of Manipulation

Authority has always created a scenario of fear to entrench its own power. The Egyptians and all the great civilisations have done so. Generally, fear was created either by the government’s passivity in the face of a planned enemy attack – which left the fear of future assaults in the memory – or the attack was provoked to achieve the same end. Another alternative was to create unjust laws in order to subject the population to a certain behaviour. This has been done by all despotic kings and Caesars, such as, for example, the killing of Christians in Rome who did not offer sacrifices to Caesar as a divine person. And since February 2020 we have seen how the fear of contagion with the crown virus is capable of paralyzing the entire world, at least for a short period of three months.

Taking a big leap, we find the same thing since 1917 in Russia, in the liquidations of Stalin and in Nazism, whose propaganda gurus have relied on Edward Bernays and others, instituting perhaps for the first time a real brainwashing. Goebbels said that, by repeating a hundred times a falsehood, the people’s base finally accepted it as the truth, thus becoming the lambs that have been destined for one of the cruelest war slaughterhouses in history.

The sophistication of the manipulation

Since the Second World War it has proved much more effective than fear, brainwashing, i.e. reprogramming man’s reasoning to achieve a previously determined behaviour, either by the state or by international pressure groups that have gained a lot of power in this period. I refer here to my article, in this thinktank, on media lies and on the control of the world economy.  For example, one pole of overwhelming power is the so-called ‘mainstream’ media, which controls around 80% of world public opinion, whose controlling ramifications end up in six large companies.  More about this on Wikipedia, by putting in the search engine ˇConcentration of media ownership worldwide’.  In this media monster there is also Hollywood and the big film production companies, there is Google, Twitter and Facebook. As it is well known, at the beginning of June 2020 President Trump has put these three digital companies in a seven-stranded shirt, because they will no longer be able to censor or remove or put to their liking their content, because they fulfill a function and a public service.

Manipulative techniques are, for example:

Convincing through blockbuster movies, through videos etc. that women have the right to take care of their reproductive health, as an absolute principle. From this follows her right to kill her own child in her womb, the right to all means of contraception etc. Right now, using it as a weapon, they say that Covid 19 demands that women have abortions as soon as possible, even trying to achieve a legal obligation.  The lexicon used is very misleading, avoiding the use of the word ‘abortion’ or ‘killing the fetus’, but rather using euphemisms to confuse innocent, naive or ignorant spirits.

A few years ago we were puzzled by how the mainstream suddenly launched a campaign in favour of homosexuals, whose unions are intended to be equated with heterosexual marriage. The aim is to make the family disappear and the children pass into the hands of the state education, like a little lamb waiting to be trained in sexual relations and in the choice of one’s sex. This is criminal interference to massacre the family and encourage divorce.

Imposition of globalisation through the EU and other UN organisations It is a huge problem when this organisation loses its ideological neutrality, as it becomes de facto a machine that promotes Marxism and accepts to be maintained by private patrons, such as Soros and Bill Gates, which leads to them becoming its instruments for the implementation of its new world order (the New World Order). It is understandable that President Trump does not want to continue promoting these organizations – especially the World Health Organization – with the money of the US taxpayers.

Divide and rule

The application of the old principle of ‘divide and rule’ is unfortunately very current. Although the German philosopher Fichte has stylized this principle as the thesis, antithesis and synthesis, the trick itself has been applied since the beginning of history, as a means to weaken any enemy or opposition. What weakens a nation or any organization most is the loss of its internal unity, that is, when some parts begin to pursue different ends. In the last two centuries, the British Empire has called this strategy the ‘balance of power’, which meant that no other political power would be raised above the own power, in order to maintain world control.  This system was then followed by the Russian Revolution from 1917, introducing the division of social classes to pit one against the other. Because in the OECD countries the masses of poor people have disappeared as a critical mass with political relevance, the ‘mainstream’ and Marxists intend to impose the opposition between the sexes, the division between the traditional family and homosexual unions, the ‘politically correct’ vocabulary against true conceptual contents such as, for example, the words social justice, gay, gender, women’s reproductive health (politically correct is to understand that it includes the right to abortion) etc. 

The uprising of the masses

Initially I said that the masses behave like sheep docile to the shepherd’s whistle, however bad it is. I must correct myself because history also gives us many examples of reactions of all kinds, even heroic ones, where men and women, faithful to their conscience, have left their lives, as is the case with the insurrection of the Maccabees in the Old Testament, or the surrender of the lives of thousands of Christians during the first two centuries of our era, in Rome, because they did not want to recognize the divinity of Caesar. And I leave in the dark many other similar uprisings even in hopeless situations, such as the attempts to oppose the Bolsheviks in Russia, the opposition of Catholics to Nazism, etc. And I cannot fail to mention the glorious uprising of Catholics in Mexico against the Masonically inspired State, which in fact persecuted the Church.  Another glorious page is the Spanish civil war from 1936 to 1938, with a slightly higher death toll than in Mexico: 350,000, including eight bishops and thousands of priests and nuns.

The common denominator of these oppositions is that the protagonists were people who had an ideal of transcendent life, rooted in firm principles that had to be defended even with the giving of one’s life. Therefore, today, the first front in the fight against manipulation and control of all kinds -both by the State and by certain groups in world power- is to take care of one’s own profile of convictions and values. If this does not exist, it is all the same and man becomes a useful sheep or fool. Secondly, interest and time must be devoted to identifying alternative sources of information, which, without ignoring the facts, leave the reader at least to interpret them. In other words, one must acquire a sharp critical spirit in order to know how to sift through the information from the ‘mainstream’. And from here, all sorts of initiatives to spread a truer vision of things will emerge spontaneously. First of all, the lies that so often create unnecessary consternation, such as those about the environment, must be exposed: what is shown by specialist scientists, who are kept quiet because they say things that are not ‘politically correct’ for the ‘mainstream’, must be spread.

For example, in Germany and in so many European countries, the so-called pandemic proclaimed by the WHO has led to the emergence of thousands of initiatives that question the disproportionate measures taken by the government, shaking up the great trust that the German people had in their official institutions. This process has already succeeded in completely overturning the political climate, giving more support to parties that do not sell out to globalism, the EU or non-state world powers.

Testimony of a German soldier.

It is important to realise that those who have experienced the emergence of oppressive governments have rarely realised the dangerous situation in which they found themselves until it was too late. This was said by a German soldier who fought for Hitler:

“We will conclude this conference with a fascinating but ominous passage from the book ˇthey thought they were freeˇ which is based on interviews with ordinary Germans who lived during the Nazi regime. The following quote comes from one of the Germans interviewed where he reflects on why he thought Germans were not opposed to the rise of the Nazi government. The problem was that no one could see exactly where or how to move, while every act and occasion is worse than the last, but only a little worse. So you expect a big shocking occasion thinking that others will react when it comes and join you and resist in some way. But that great occasion, when tens or hundreds of thousands will join you, never came. That is the difficulty if the last and worst act of horror had come immediately after the first and smallest abuse, thousands and millions would have been shocked enough, but of course this is not the way it happened, but it came in hundreds of small steps, some of them imperceptible, but each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next. And one day it’s too late to react and the burden of self-deception has become too heavy and some minor incident brings everything down at once, and you suddenly see that everything has changed. You see now that you live in a world of hate and fear in people, a hate and fear that people don’t even know about themselves, because everyone is transformed, what is experienced as no one is transformed, everyone is the same, in a perfect “politically correct” line.




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