The pandemic: converging evidence

Peter Kopa, 11.09.2021

President Kennedy’s speech shortly before his assassination:

Links to The Conspiracy Hypothesis

Covid 19: La hipótesis de la conspiración I

La Hypótesis de la conspiración: comentarios II  

A preliminary remark: the very serious problems that follow I think are transient like all previous great evils. Better times will come soon, fertilized by the present experiences and sufferings.

In June last year we published on this site two articles on the conspiracy hypothesis. Now we believe the time has come to continue this study, but only by sticking to what has really happened in these 15 months.

It is a fact that more than half of the world’s population thinks that the pandemic is a political game, which is logically denied by all those who participate in this global maneuver and those who have not wanted to learn about it. And the interesting thing is that the mainstream-media maintain with suspicious insistence, that in history there have always been conspiracies, such as witches, criminal organizations, secret alliances of some kings against others, the conspiracy in Rome making Christians responsible for the burning of the City in Nero’s time, etc. At the same time they silence important events, or denigrate them: just go on the internet and put ‘The Barrington Declaration’, or ‘Doctors for the truth’ or Dr. Heiko Schoening etc. etc. etc. These three cases are initiatives in opposition to the way the pandemic has been treated.

To better understand what is going on, one has no choice but to look at the facts, which are indications that, because of their coherent convergence, point to conclusions. But in the absence of definitive evidence, let us summarize and review the hard facts.


The most deeply rooted vice in the human soul is the ambition for power and the desire to submit everything to one’s own will. In the Judeo-Christian tradition this is called pride, which seeks its own excellence. This evil has provoked in history tyrannical and totalitarian behaviors, which in the last centuries have been disguised with ideological pretexts, as is the case of communist totalitarianism and Nazism. The subjugation of the masses has always cost much blood, sweat and tears.

Since the fall of communism and Nazism, as military and state power, we have given ourselves up to the illusion that at last there would be no more wars in the world, that at last democracy would ensure peace. In the West, this was achieved to such an extent that we had never lived so well materially. Since 1945, however, the Judeo-Christian principles, that had made it possible to overcome the previous evils, were gradually being lost. At the same time, an atmosphere of subjectivist relativism was being forged among intellectuals, dissolving culture from within, infiltrating the universities and acting as spreaders of Marxist materialism.

Nothing in history happens without agents that set any process in motion. Since the dawn of human history, always, within the structure of political authority, there have been people dominated by the ambition for power. It is a manifestation of pride, which is a moral vice well known in Judeo-Christian teachings and which unfolds when there is no balanced human education based on moral and religious principles. It manifests itself in the despotic eagerness to subjugate others to one’s own will, by means of arms, based on a structure of political clientelism and offices and positions in government.

Ambition for power

However, in the last three centuries tyrannical power has been disguised as ideologies and ideals in favor of the people. We see it in Napoleon, then much more in Marxism and Nazism. But since 1945 the despotic desire for domination has changed diametrically, in the sense that the control and subjugation of the human masses is sought through propaganda, thanks to the appearance of radio technology, cinema, TV and finally digital technology. Thus, the influence of the media is capillarized in such a way that it reaches today every inhabitant on earth without the need to resort to arms.

Thus, large multinational companies have been formed, which in the last 70 years have partly succeeded in erasing man’s traditional moral, religious, cultural and other convictions. This profound destabilization of man, this inner emptying triggered the spread of the contraceptive pill, the sexual revolution of the sixties, divorce and abortion (more than fifty million exterminations, so far).

Pretending to establish the ‘New World Order’

The people who have planned and executed this drama have apparently achieved what they were looking for: a globalization and equalization downwards, as if passing over the human mass a roller that with its continuous movement has homogenized it, as if it were a clay that had to be given a total docility in the hands of the manipulators.

This is how we can understand the low protest capacity of the citizens against the impositions of ideologies in favor of homosexuality, the destruction of the family, the interest in legally imposing genderism, the false ideologies of anti-racism and the nonsense of WOKE and cancel culture. The amazing thing is that all these mental incubi enjoy state, administrative and even legal favor, which indicates the presence of the exponents of evil in parliaments and official bodies around the world, obeying indications from a single vortex.

Indications that point to a premeditated plan

  1. The simultaneity and homogeneity of the reactions to Covid 19, since the beginning of 2020. We are referring to some two hundred sovereign countries around the world, which have obeyed like lambs to the alarm launched by the WHO (World Health Organization, supported by Soros).
  2. In the last week statements are being taken from Fauci at the US government level due to the suspicion that the Covid virus may be a product bred in the Wuhan laboratory with American taxpayers’ money.
  3. In the USA and in many other countries the government is supporting or showing sympathy to the marxist ideologies of the LGTB (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender), BLM (black lives matter) movements. The expansion of these movements is due to the fact that well-paid professional activists set in motion many street demonstrations with fewer people than the media portrays.
  4. Sympathy and support, on the part of the UN/EU and some states, for family-destroying proclamations, for the forced sexualization of children almost from kindergarten, for the denial of parental authority to parents over their children when they are denounced by others without proof, etc.
  5. Permission of the official authorities regarding the ideological indoctrination of the predominant mass-media in relation to what is the truth. This is manifested, for example, in the brutal censorship of digital social networks. Anything that sounds like God, morality, religion or what they consider to be ‘hate speach’ is deleted. They pronounce unappealable sentences, without alleging any substantiation. They oppose anything that does not agree with their ideologies. Many videos in our thinktank have been trashed.
  6. The lies of the environmentalist ideology are presented as the reason why we must depopulate our planet in order to establish a new world order that cares for and loves nature. There are legion scientific authorities at the highest level who maintain that there is no reason for ecological alarmism, that climate change is not man-made, that the current 400 milligrams of CO4 in the atmosphere is significantly boosting plant growth and plankton in the sea and that it does not produce the refraction effect, which is falsely claimed to be the cause of warming. Below are some videos on these issues:


Global warming

Climate change

Prof. Dyson

Prof. Happer:

English.  Magistral, 40′ on the big lie:

Former Greenpeace boss against…:

45’about climate change: Liz Wheeler:

55’about climate issues as justification for the state to issue more laws and taxes:

  1. Stunning rejection of Ivermectin by both WHO and health authorities, denigrating a drug that has a decade-long history of success. This ban has caused thousands of deaths, as the new vaccines have not been able to prevent. As is well known, the multinational pharmaceutical companies are defending their profits from the sale of their new high-risk vaccines even for children (thousands of cases of myocarditis).
  2. The alarmist tendency in the media: the coronavirus has always been reported in pessimistic terms, seeking to create fear, so that people accept to be manipulated with lies. Statistical tricks, the treatment of positive test figures, etc., were always given a fear-mongering interpretation. For example, in the few places where autopsies have been performed – something forbidden, which indicates concealment of the truth – as in Italy, we have been surprised to find out that only a quarter of the official figures died as a direct result of COVID! Protests in the Italian Parliament:


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