The deceptions of the mainstream-media

Peter Kopa, 23.5.2020

Some factsWe continue the article published in this thinktank, ‘The truth versus the lie’, now, we will reflect on this question from the perspective of what is happening in this sector, which forms so much the man of today. I suggest you take a look at the following videos first, especially the 13-minute one, where you can see what the German journalist Ulfkotte said shortly before his death, which caused great consternation in Germany:

13 ‘ Complaints by the German journalist Ulfkotte :

3.5 ‘


In Wikipedia you can see the details of this huge communication sector, concentrated in very few owners, who control it practically from a single vertex. We refer here to our article on the control of 40% of the world economy from a single power dome. In this trillionaire portfolio of companies are mainly the mass media, because they allow influence and manage the masses around the world, thanks to digital technologies. The aim is to homogenize thought, opinions and even emotions in a totally materialistic key, in order to exercise control over them with the aim of establishing a new world order in all sectors of human life. In this vision there is no room for a culture that loves life, good art, faith or any spiritual value.


The breakdown of the mainstream

The corona virus has accelerated the loss of credibility in the mainstream, because the economic stoppage has created a shock effect of such magnitude that it is shaking it to its foundations, like a high-magnitude earthquake. This is especially true in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy and Spain, where thousands of websites have appeared overnight, expressing people’s anger and dismay at the disproportionate risk of infection related to the economic damage caused by the forced unemployment. And this unemployment, by brutally impoverishing people, is in turn causing more deaths than Covid 19 itself, due to situations of stress, anguish, suicides, whose statistics will be difficult to make, but will be seen in an increase in mortality.

It is interesting to note that the first to protest are rather the intellectuals and leaders, who are also those who are not afraid to raise their voice, forming in this sense groups that also organize demonstrations in the street. We must take into account the scientifically proven fact that, for example, in Germany, where the risk of death in the group of those infected by Covid 19 is 0.2% to 0.3%, comparable to any other flu epidemic, such as that of 2017, which has claimed 60,000 lives in the USA and in the same proportion in European countries, but then the constitutional rights of the citizen have not been cancelled and the economy was not stopped.

According to Juergen Hoeller, the creator of an academy in Germany dedicated to teaching courses on current affairs, there are 33 facts in the phenomenon of official reactions to corona virus infections. We highlight the most important ones, which allow to re-situate the case in a common sense context, with reference to Germany, but indirectly the facts can also refer to all European countries:

– Probability of death of those infected: 0.2 – 0.3%.

– 80% of those infected have not shown any symptoms of the infection.

– It was found that one third of the citizens had already developed an immunity against covid 19 due to similar viruses.

– The average age of the deceased is over 80 years, of which 50-70% lived in nursing homes.

– The published images of the corpses have often been highly biased and manipulated.

– No autopsies have been conducted to see what part of the deaths have been directly and mainly caused by covid 19. Italy has conducted autopsies, and it has come to light in June 2020, that out of 25,000 fatal cases, only 925 have been caused by covid 19 and the rest have died from other problems. This was publicly denounced on TV by an Italian parliamentarian, with extraordinary emotional strength, as well as by Mrs. Cunia:

– The statistics presented have been retouched in order to dramatize the situation.

– Since one third of the population is carrier of covid 19, without suffering symptoms, it is logical that the more tests are done, more infected people are found, without explaining this circumstance in order to situate the data well and above all not to consider them erroneously as the number of victims of the covid 19.

– The annulment of the human rights guaranteed by the Constitution has taken place by simple order of the Government, without prior consideration in Parliament. In other words, it has been a despotic, absurd and disproportionate act, totally contrary to the democratic tradition.

– The mainstream has a tendency to dramatize everything unnecessarily, seeking to produce fear in the population, as a means to make them bow their heads and shut up.

-The dead and seriously injured from the lockdown itself are probably more numerous than the direct victims. There are many cases in which it has not been possible to perform surgical operations that have resulted in deaths. We offer the testimony of Prof. John Joannidis, who teaches Medicine, in the specialty of Epidemiology at Stanford University:


Typology of recognition of the mainstream media

They support the government that has bowed to the lockdown, without expressing the slightest criticism. Therefore, they reject any opposition from other alternative media, without making consistent arguments.

Socialist or leftist tendency is used as a tactic, because those who control it are the richest and most powerful men in the world.

They support the WHO and its president, Bill Gates, Soros, the Clintons and the Democrats in the USA, in fierce opposition to President Trump, whom they are always trying to upset.

Tendency to dramatize the situation created by covid 19, tricking statistics, manipulating upwards the number of dead without distinguishing if the direct and main cause has been this virus.

Support for the policy of printing Euros, with which the debt in Europe is growing to levels that presage a galloping inflation and even the partial confiscation of the citizens’ bank accounts. The precedents for this are the ‘corralito’ in Argentina and the expropriation of private accounts in Cyprus.

Support the EU at any cost without criticizing it.

Support the environmental agenda and Greta Thunberg. Contrary to what science claims, it does not want to acknowledge that its motivations are mainly political manipulation, obtaining official funds, from the international organizations, which continue to maintain with the money all taxpayers, the sacred fire of the lie of the ecological issue.

Support the abortion and birth control pill agenda to such an extent that the mainstream has promoted it since its very beginning, sixty years ago.

Support of Hollywood, Youtube, Facebook, Google and Twitter, holding on them a clear censorship, and, at the same time, taking advantage of the private data of billions.

Support for globalization in order to homogenize the world’s population, so that it can be better managed. Therefore, it disregards values and concepts such as the homeland, the home, the centrality of the family and the education of children by their own parents, the distinction between the sexes, etc.

Indifference to the world vaccination plans of Bill Gates and the WHO and to the intention of implanting chips in each individual, under the pretext of better monitoring of their health etc.

Finally, the mainstream does not support opinions contrary to its own lines, assuming that they are the only ones who know everything before, more and better. This hypersensitivity is very striking, because it react furiously at every opposition to its truth, not with arguments, but by denigrating and even slandering the opponent or the one who criticizes them in something. They have established the pseudo-argument of the ‘politically incorrectnness’, which they use like so many other smoke bombs in their arsenal. One victim of the mainstream is none other than Prof. Jordan Peterson, for defending the right to free opinion and opposing the genderism agenda and against so many other things.

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