Peter Kopa, 16.7.2023, Prague – The English text follows below.

I studied the publications of the international journalist Soeren Kern, a well-known international specialist in socio-political issues and immigration. He gave an interview to the fourth largest daily newspaper in the USA, The Epoch Times. His profile can be viewed on Google.

The facts in historical perspective

Since 1950 many millions of immigrants have entered Europe: seven million Turks came to Germany, the Netherlands and France and at least eight million Mohammedans from the Middle East and Africa. Today it is generally acknowledged that, without this demographic contribution, there would be a shortage of manpower to maintain the booming economic development in the countries that welcomed them.  Included in these figures are the 2.26 million who flooded Germany since 2015. The vast majority have been integrated, despite the fact that physical and cultural ghettos  and the price of massacres against Europeans could not be avoided.

On 27.6.2023 a policeman shot dead a 17-year-old boy, in the Parisian suburb of Nanterre. The judicial sentence of the case will shed light on the circumstances that moved the policeman to use the weapon. This event acted as a spark in an environment charged with inflammable gas, producing a surprising and disproportionate uprising of young boys, French descendants of immigrants from Africa and the Middle East. The flames of hatred soon spread to some twenty cities in France, even reaching the Guianas and the islands of Reunion. At the moment it is estimated that the material damage has already exceeded one billion euros.

Up to ten days ago, 5000 vehicles were set on fire or destroyed with Molotov cocktails, 400 bank offices and 240 municipalities were attacked.  Colored teenagers have also vented their anger and hatred against hundreds of police stations, against 1108 buildings, some of which were burned, leaving 808 policemen injured and 3000 youths arrested. Gradually the news of the dead and wounded among the civilian population and the attackers are surfacing. In several videos we have seen how the insurgents take advantage of their ‘war’ to plunder and steal from stores and supermarkets.

Is this a spontaneous phenomenon?

Soeren Kern does not go into questions of historical background, so it is very appropriate to ask this question: Was the Bolshevik uprising in 1917 spontaneous, or the rise of Nazism with Hitler, or the French Revolution, or the pandemic?  Certainly they are different things, but we know today that they were not spontaneous, but that there has always been a previous atmosphere, that sought to raise the people in favor of one’s own ideological cause. Here we could mention a very long list of examples, such as those mentioned above.

But there is another kind of legitimate and more spontaneous insurrection in cases of just self-defense of a whole population. History offers many examples, such as the uprising of the Maccabees in Israel, the Cristiada against Masonic influence in Mexico, the civil war in Spain, the Hungarian insurrection against communist oppression. the velvet revolution in Czekoslovakia etc. In our days we are seeing and living the uprising of the silent majorities against the ideological oppression of globalism, embodied in the Davos Agenda 2030, which threatens even with violent means.

It is the mass of citizens who, in the end, have always suffered the greatest sacrifices, both in lives and in loss of their patrimony. This is the continuing drama of the struggle for a better life, which can find no solution either in technology or in high economic standards. The solution can only come from a cultural environment of Judeo-Christian values held by the vast majority, combined with the courage to defend them even with arms.  Since 1945 we in the West have indulged in the vain dream that wars were over forever. However, the pandemic and the war in Ukraine have awakened us from this illusion.

Today, every citizen has to personally consider for which cause he wants to fight, has to find the means (political, cultural, etc.) get the due support. At the same time he has to cut down a lot of time spent on TV, pleasure reading, videos and hobbies. In this process, the first thing to do is to inform oneself about what is really going on, by searching for the truth of events and their causes. This cannot be found in the big media channels, manipulated from a vortex. In this sense, globalism is the great manipulator of truth and the great front of struggle against traditional Western culture. Today we no longer speak of conspiracy, because it has long since moved on to the open execution of its plans for the establishment of the new world order.  ……………………..

It is therefore to be suspected that the trigger in France may have been the same well-paid professional agitators who organized the same thing years ago in the USA and other countries . Consequently, the same instigation can be expected in Berlin and many other European cities. The State should not only be prepared with its police forces, but could also use the same method as the attackers: young civilian volunteers equipped with the appropriate means to put out the first flames of a large arson attack: special vehicles, fire extinguishers, firemen, horses, etc., depending on what is most suitable for the specific case.

In this regard we cannot forget that the almost three million immigrants who arrived from the Middle East and Africa to Europe since 2015, were mostly moved to it by professionals organized then from the globalist antros, as a demographic weapon to destabilize European governments and destroy their culture. It is striking in this regard, that the European Union always strongly supported this migratory movement, demanding its reception to the member countries. We will not dwell here on the successive massacres that the Mohammedans have then inflicted on the Europeans, either with machine guns, with trucks against a crowd or by knifing people anywhere, perhaps because the Koran would require it.

The problem of inculturation

That said, it must be recognized that immigration to Europe in the last seventy years has been a challenge without precedent in history, made possible only by the ease of translation offered by our modern world. The profound reason why the official authorities have allowed this to happen is to be found in the drop in births caused by contraceptives and abortion. Tens of millions of Germans, French, English, Spanish, Italians, etc. have not been able to be born. Their parents have preferred to enjoy sex, but avoiding its natural consequences. For dozens of years there has been a plebiscite: Europe’s own socio-cultural suicide has been blindly voted. Today, Humanae Vitae, of 1968, resounds strongly against this lamentable process, which has a remarkable parallelism with the magisterial document of 1937, ‘Mit Brennender Sorge’, promulgated by the Pope against the Nazi threat.

At the same time, Europe’s economic strength needed more and more arms, facilitating the influx of immigrants, without whom Europe would have much less of an active population, which for the time being can still pay the pensions. In Great Britain, for example, tens of millions have rightfully entered from the Commonwealth. This fact, in itself, is very positive and does not have to take the blame for the English who have not wanted to have offspring. Moreover, most of them are Hindus, who integrate more easily than the Mohammedans. The replacement of the English by the descendants of immigrants has reached such an extent that today the Prime Minister of Great Britain, Rishi Sunak, is of Hindu ethnicity and seems to be doing a good job.

What might happen next?

It is very likely that globalist ideological movements, such as WOKE, Lgbt etc., or communism, will seek to capitalize politically on the riots in their own favor. In such a case, the suspicion that the phenomenon has not occurred by spontaneous generation would gain more weight.  It is striking that the digital media are keeping the facts under wraps: on YouTube all the news is two weeks old, at a time when the riots have already begun in Berlin and Switzerland, where in Lausanne the official authorities have had to take the tanks out onto the streets. Nor do the other media devote much attention to the matter.

The whole West has become an Armageddon, where Gog and Magog are fighting for the souls of the people. But it is a battle in which good is winning. This experience will be very positive for building a better world in the future, where truth and the values that have always sustained our culture prevail more. This is manifesting itself in the political arena, where the silent majority is taking matters into its own hands, supporting precisely the conservative forces. We see it in Italy, Sweden, Germany, Poland, Spain, Holland, Great Britain, and, above all, in the USA. Here is the mother of all fights, which will be decided in the next elections early next year with the very likely victory of the opposition to Biden.

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