Peter Kopa, Prague, 8.1.2023 – The English version follows below.

Gordon Chang, a great expert on Chinese politics, has published in USA his book ‘The coming collapse of China’.  Based on the data he gives us in the video above, we comment below the rise of the Chinese danger:

The COVID hecatomb

By the end of 2022, 6.6 million people have died from this virus in China. The crematoria are unable to cremate the remains, resulting in huge queues of people waiting to receive the ashes of their loved ones. These figures are probably higher, because the official information is not reliable. The fact that the official Chinese authorities have cancelled all kinds of restrictions and measure,s designed to limit the spread of the disease, gives rise to the suspicion – according to Gordon Chang – that the state wants to reduce the population. And those who die, the most are the elderly, who are an annoying social burden for the communist regime.

Green light for tourism

The negative test that Chinese people have to undergo before going abroad is not entirely reliable either. It could be a premeditated contagion strategy, so that all the countries of arrival would have to make them pass through the anti-COVID sanitary control filter. We cannot be confident that our immunization – much more advanced than that achieved by the Chinese in China – is a sufficient guarantee. A mutated virus that could pose a great threat cannot be ruled out.

Organ trafficking   La legalización de la venta de órganos en la China

The rise of the Chinese danger is also manifested in the increasing abuses of the law, which allows the sale of organs that come from an accident or a unforeseen death. However, murders are occurring on an alarming scale, for the purpose of selling organs, which is a highly lucrative business.  These are sold at good prices especially outside China. To understand this macabre drama, one must bear in mind, for example, that a liver transplant is not usually successful at the first attempt, so that on one occasion as many as seven livers had to be used!

This reality surpasses any fantasy of the gangster movie genre. But we should not tear our clothes, because in our Western world, so proud of its achievements and its high standards in everything, the holocaust of the Jews took place and every day unborn people are killed, under the protection of the law: in all these cases there is an ideology that in the background considers and values man as an animal without a soul, without dignity, only economically useful as a factor of production or fighting in wars. Moreover, eugenic and euthanasic liquidation is spreading. If Christian principles were to be totally forgotten, the time will come when a 70-year-old mother will receive official notification of her date of her liquidation.

China is preparing for war

Gordon Chang reveals that the virus is also raging among the highest government dignitaries. This suggests that the entire communist leadership is somewhat lethargic, also because of the economic crisis, all of which could lead to the search for a war solution in Taiwan. It would not be the first time that a government, on the verge of collapse, has clung to the salvation wood of war. Taiwan would not be able to cope with the Chinese attack without a large deployment of American military force. Unfortunately, the increased Chinese danger looms primarily over the USA and Europe, should it come to a military alliance with Russia.

What is certain is that in recent months China is increasing its aggressive attitude. The war in Ukraine offers them an opportunity as it means the military weakening of the USA, especially because of the huge amount of weapons sent to Kiev to fight back the Russian invader. And the Wuhan laboratories are looking for the creation of a new virus that can be used as a biological weapon, with the great risk of infecting their own population again.

Situation in Latin America, Africa and Australia   Latinoamérica, entre USA y China

As is well known, in the last ten years China has acquired enormous resources in these continents: sea ports, land for food production, mines, forests, etc.  As an example, China has invested 90 billion USD in Latin America alone. It is clear that this type of state strategy is also aimed at increasing China’s influence in each country, making them dependent on its loans, which have made it possible to improve transportation infrastructure and certain industrial sectors.

This influence means that China supports or creates political movements that favor its interests, also through corruption and clientelism. Therefore, Latin American governments have to increase vigilance and limit China’s influence, otherwise their constitutional principles will be undermined.  Estrategia china para controlar el mundo

The other equally dangerous front for Latin American nations is the globalist influence, through resolutions of international organizations such as the OAS (Organization of American States), the WHO, the United Nations, etc., which are practically globalist agencies. The way of influence of the North American globalism is to send its experts to the different countries, in order to achieve the approval of new laws favorable to genderism, sexual education of children, abortion and so many other harmful things. One means of pressure to achieve this is to link it to obtaining loans, which is an attack against the sovereignty and cultural personality of a nation. El Salvador, Paraguay and so many others have rejected these abhorrent maneuvers.

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