Immigration threatens Europe

Peter Kopa, Prague, 16.10.2024

Europe in danger

In the above 12-minute lecture, the speaker points to the serious threat to Europe, in the sense of an ethnic replacement by immigrants from the Middle East, Africa and India. This process is proceeding at an accelerated pace, because immigrants have many more children than Europeans and also because immigrants continue to enter, under the cover of a European policy that directly promotes it. It is a concerted action by the Davos globalists, partly through the corruption of government officials and partly through an absolute WOKE-like inclusive ideology. And all this is happening against what the citizens want, who are expressing their rejection by giving their votes to right-wing political parties.

This political tension is manifesting itself right now especially in the firm position of Victor Orban, who, as the rotating president of the EU, lashes out very strongly against the tyrannical attitude of the EU, which is the one that has opened the doors to the immigration of so many millions since 2015. He is supported by the second German political party AFD, the Dutch government, the Italian government, the Slovakian government, and, probably, more will follow after the elections in some countries.

The great abuses of the EU, apart from implementing ethnic replacement in Europe, are the promotion of the Davos 2030 Agenda and its ideologies that seek to sweep not only Europe, but the whole world, to then implement its new world order. We refer to the mistake of promoting freedom of choice of sex, which aims directly at avoiding children and turning the victims into people without being able to form a family. Then there is LGTB, WOKE and erroneous ecological dogmatisms, which have cost the states trillions of euros in unnecessary measures. Scientists in the field have proclaimed in an open letter that there is no climate or ecological emergency whatsoever:

Another protest of Orban is his opposition to sending arms to Ukraine, raising an opening of dialogue with Putin. Lately, there has been a surprising shift in the West in this regard, towards an understanding of the motives that moved Putin to attack Ukraine, against the background of the American breach of the 1991 treaty, in which the USA pledged not to expand its influence in this country. Lately, a whole series of European governments no longer want to blindly follow the US pro-war policy. For example, Germany is seeking to renew the flow of Russian gas to its industry, so as not to have to buy American gas at three times higher prices. A great American authority explains this matter well: Jeffrey Sachs:

Countries in immigration crisis

The mainstream media report minimally on these events, faithful to the directives they receive from their globalist apex, or they present the facts distorted. The street fights are partly between radicalized white citizens against immigrants, as is the case in England. Crimes by immigrants against citizens of the host country are on the rise, raising street protests. Since 2015 we have seen everything from stabbings to mass massacres in crowded places, such as squares and airports. What bothers citizens the most is the generosity with which the state subsidizes all immigrants, also illegal ones, leaving the needy people themselves empty. Germany and other countries have begun deporting illegal immigrants, both by police and military force. The following videos in Spanish show what and how the mass immigration-induced struggle is going, acting like a social tsunami. The proportion of immigrant inhabitants is moving in these countries at alarming levels. Depending on when and how they are counted, it can exceed 50%.

Great Britain: .

Sweden: https: // –

The Swedish government, once so admired for its high quality of life and civic peace, made the mistake years ago of letting in some 150,000 people, mainly from the Middle East. Despite generous financial aid, they have ended up in ghettos, unable to find work, speak Swedish or integrate into society. Soon many allied themselves with drug traffickers, inducing an open fight against the state, giving rise to a criminality never seen before in Sweden. Since the police cannot control them, the army has entered the scene.

Netherlands: . The head of government Wilders, who is far to the right on the political spectrum, has been voted mainly to cut immigration.




Causes of the crisis and conclusion

The Czech Republic and Slovakia have banned immigration from the Middle East and Africa some years ago. Thanks to this measure, both countries enjoy peace and manifest great civil security and growing prosperity. On the other hand, they have let in more Ukrainians than any other, in proportion to their populations. Being also Christian, speaking also a Slavic language and not being poor, Ukrainians have been able to integrate easily in both countries, providing a valuable labor force.

We must have the courage to recognize that the ultimate cause of the immigration tsunami in Europe has been the previous drop in the birth rate since the end of the last world war. The contraceptive pill was the trigger, in the sixties of the last century. And to this was added, as if that were not enough, the impact of abortion. All these were not spontaneous phenomena, but actions previously prepared in the media by ideologists and the pharmaceutical industry, which, from Hollywood and other centers of influence, have succeeded in lowering the level of moral sensitivity, sterilizing the transmission of life in the family and thus corrupting the good natural instincts of motherhood and fatherhood.

If this anti-life campaign had not been implemented, Europe would now have 60 million more inhabitants, and it would never have been necessary to let in so many millions of people from outside: first there was immigration from European countries, which were the Spanish, Portuguese and Italians, who have been a valuable human capital that has helped economic prosperity in northern Europe. This was followed by Croatians, Yugoslavians and Asians, especially from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. If Europeans had not abandoned their Judeo-Christian moral principles, many of the problems that afflict us today, such as endemic psychopathies, drugs, atheism, loneliness, suicides and so many other evils, would not have appeared either. Over the years these problems have cost trillions to the states, lowering the standard of living.

The blame for all this lies with all those people who have renounced to have children, causing with this attitude a plebiscite of high social and political relevance. Then there are also responsible the officials who since 1950 have sold their soul for a plate of lentils, allowing the pill and abortion, thus opening the doors to moral permissiveness. There is no lack of prophets of doom who see in the future a decadent, impoverished Europe, with all kinds of tensions and struggles, mainly between Christians and Mohammedans. But among Christians, the majority is optimistic, because most probably the most fractious ethnic groups will end up calming down and integrating, respecting each other in their religious creeds and customs, provided that in the long run the Christian culture, which is indelibly sculpted in the form of thousands of churches, in art and in the way of thinking and living, is regenerated.

Further information on the subject: Eduardo Arroyo,



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