Good and truth overcomes evil
Peter Kopa, Prague, 20.2.2025

Goodness surrounds us and sustains us

The world today is mired in a gray atmosphere: negative news, problems, misinformation and the forced spread of globalist ideologies. Even in the European economy, we have been losing purchasing power for ten years now. The general tone of life seems sad, with unprecedented levels of endemic psychopathologies: . However, the good things that surround us are much greater and more real, but we are not aware of them because they are taken for granted like the air we breathe or the light that allows us to see. For this very reason, there is no interest in reporting on what is taken for granted. But when man loses his natural inclination to admire goodness, beauty and truth, it is an indication that something is wrong within him.

On any given day, there is hot and cold water, breakfast…, a car or public transport, state services (roads, highways, water, energy and communication networks), medical care, schools, etc. At least in OECD countries, the various infrastructures work quite well. Special consideration should be given to science and technology, which allow us to live in better conditions than the kings of antiquity.

A very important category of goods that gladden our souls and move us towards God is nature, where beauty and perfection are to be found both in the macrocosm and in the realities that impress us more closely: a sunrise, a flower, a person, a cell… Then there are the goods of Art, such as music, poetry and good cinema, not forgetting the delights of sport.

The highest goods are human: we enjoy them above all in loving and being loved, first and foremost in our own family, in friendship and in some way in all other relationships between people. We call this good education, empathy, kindness, courtesy, etc. The greatest good is love, which shapes culture and is the raison d’être of all subordinate goods.

The struggle of good against evil

However, given the moral frailty of man, always prone to seeking an unfair advantage at the expense of others, human goods are touched by the inclination to sin: . Thus some families are destroyed by infidelity and other evils, corruption perverts the state. Injustice and so many other vices undermine harmonious coexistence to the point of being able to turn, for example, the family into hell. This incidence of evil, in situations of extreme corruption of customs, can destroy an entire people.

There is the biblical case of Sodom and Gomorrah, or the moral corruption of the Roman Empire, which in 476 was razed to the ground by the barbarians, and we could go on with more cases. Throughout the history of humanity, no people have been able to save themselves from some form of decadence, the healing of which has always cost, in Churchill’s famous words, ‘blood, sweat and tears’.

What can be done against evil?

It has been more than proven by the lessons that history teaches us, that moral evil cannot be solved with measures external to man, such as the democratic regime, the rule of law or institutions and structures such as the UN or NGOs. These external measures presuppose the goodness of man, as something prior and absolutely necessary that cannot be taken for granted.

Since man began to move away from traditional teachings and , the external apparatus of the state, designed to defend good, has often been perverted. Thus it became the agent of evil. This is the case of political totalitarianism that wields an ideology to justify its excesses. And here we cannot only think of communism or Nazism, but also since 1945 the West has suffered the ideological appeal of materialism. It is appealing because it awakens the dream of total freedom, free from the ties of moral norms.

This mistake, by denying Christian culture at its roots, gives rise to a redefinition of the concepts of justice, truth, freedom, democracy, equality, religion. Thus, for example, the understanding of justice is focused on the social, truth is that which is sanctioned by the state, freedom is a reactionary dream, etc. Thus arises a stubborn dogmatism, closed to all pluralism of thought, which seeks to impose its yoke on everyone. We have seen it in the anti-culture of WOKE, of genderism and other dogmas that the globalists of Davos tried to impose on us.
The profound rejection of these errors has manifested itself in the political arena, with those people or parties identified with traditional culture and values obtaining electoral victories. This process is now in full swing, eruptively changing the geopolitical picture of the world for the better.

Where is Europe going?

And Europe is now seeing where its practical materialism has led it, at a time when it was on the verge of succumbing to globalist pretensions. In this sense, the recent speech by Vice President Vance has hit the nail on the head . If Europe does not return to its first and only love, which is Christian culture and its great truths, it will die in a slow and torturous demographic suicide, to the funeral chords composed by the errors and betrayals of its political authorities, against truth and common sense.

Europe, 2025 years after the birth of Christ, is afflicted by similar extreme evils as Rome, since the man of today is the same as the man who lived then. However, considering that Europe has been the chosen instrument for spreading Christian culture throughout the world, and has been faithful to this mission for many centuries, it is to be hoped that it will reconsider and begin to make its way back to the father’s house, like the prodigal son of the Holy Scriptures.

From Europe, Christian culture has spread throughout the world, laying the foundations for the current well-being of peoples, which is far superior to the misery and hunger of ancient times. For example, China has learned from the West how to build a state, how to create economic goods, how to educate generations, etc.
Here it is worth recalling three moments in history when it seemed that the end had come for Europe: Attila the Hun facing Rome, the Turks before Vienna and Stalin’s plan to overwhelm Europe, which was prevented by the Nazi attack on Russia.



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