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Good and Evil III – The impact on society

The english version below.

Peter Kopa, 29.12.2020

The history of man would have been entirely different if there had not been that constant struggle between moral good and evil in his heart. This is a universal reality in the geographical and temporal dimension, and is at the same time an indication, that we are all equal, and all our individual acts transcend more or less society, as a Chinese thinker once said: if everyone likes to ride a bicycle, hundreds of millions will have to be produced, for which factories, warehouses and distribution networks will have to be built.

And where it’s bad, because many tens of millions of people in Europe consume drugs, a huge underground structure of production, distribution and sale is inevitable. And, at the same time, the state has to maintain very expensive structures, both in the fight against drugs, but also in the care of drug addicts.

Similarly, there are many other problems, absolutely unnecessary, that arise as a result of so many other forms of personal immorality: destruction of families, theft from the State by administrative corruption, fraud, abortions, lies, political manipulation, trafficking in women, slavery, bribes, blackmail, etc., etc. Particularly serious is the crime of the state’s public officials, which is currently taking shape in certain countries as an assault on power by real gangsters, who with money have known how to instrumentalize the electoral process of elections in their favor through tricks and fraud, to establish a factually totalitarian regime that then tries to corrupt everyone it needs, to gain a foothold in political power.It is well understood that this kind of crime is called, in the Judeo-Christian tradition, as the sins that cry out to heaven. And at the same time the righteous man is happy that at the end of life, each one has to account for his own actions and assume eternal punishment for them. Unfortunately, personal moral evil impacts all other structures of a private or religious nature, depending on the circumstances of the case.

For this reason, anyone who is scandalized by injustices and crimes that have been committed even in the Church herself is not really aware of himself. The great saints, and even Jordan Peterson, affirm that we are all capable of the most horrible crimes, but thanks to the fact that the great majority are faithful to their conscience, in spite of everything, human structures assure the normal functioning of the world, in its multiple aspects, such as the economic, educational, religious, scientific, cultural, etc. It is easy to imagine, therefore, how much better life would be if everyone behaved well: while there would be an enormous abundance of resources, it is not clear that with only this we would be happier.

The Primacy of Individual Morality

We have heard so many times that for the world to be better, it is a matter of having institutions (ministries, laws, judges, police, etc.) and that they work well. However, the fallacy of this principle is that it takes for granted the infallible goodness of man, in the style of Rousseau, which is a great mistake. More true is that if men, who create and inspire these institutions, strive to be good, then yes, the institutions will be better too. One of the aspects of the greatness of Judeo-Christian morality is that at least this rule of the game is well known, all knowing themselves to be equal and united by the same need for personal redemption and conversion to good, before a God who is a merciful Father.

Thanks to God, great progress is being made in this sense, if we look at how people lived before the knowledge of the Bible: the normal thing was the law of revenge, the absolute dominion of the chieftain, king or Caesar, the cultivation and acceptance of hatred for absurd reasons such as race or other conditions for which the individual was not responsible. What was normal was slavery, lack of hygiene and medical care, which kept the average life around 35 years, and other things like famines, plagues and continuous wars.

The incidence of material progress

Once, a history specialist made me see that, until 170 years ago, food production was substantially the same as in the first century BC. In other words, the industrial revolution and technical progress have triggered changes with a speed unprecedented in human history. Many have thought that this evolution would produce a morally better world, because all of man’s basic needs would finally be met. Here, too, however, man had to continue to suffer from wars, with the aggravating circumstance that the weapons had also greatly increased in effectiveness, with the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as their ultimate outcome.

The great cities arose from the need for large masses of workers in the factories and in the services conditioned by them, encouraged by a savage capitalism that initially exploited the people on the basis of unfair wages. Against this, the Church raised its voice in the encyclical ˇRerum Novarum’, opposing the exploitation of the human masses. Thank God, this social problem was solved through the wide dissemination of good social doctrines and widespread school education that ended illiteracy in the Western world.

And today?

Today, the great struggle against moral evil is being waged first within man, and at the same time at the level of the mass-media, which have an almost despotic influence on the individual, conditioning his personal morality. However, in this process a very interesting point has been reached: The great multinationals that dominated the world with their films, news and images are losing credibility. And thanks to technology, today it is within the reach of every person to raise their voice and denounce injustices and abuses, through the Internet and social networks. Right now, on December 28, 2020, this is easy to see concretely, in the US and in Germany, where the political moment and the pandemic is putting the traditional bastions of media power against the ropes.


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