Think tank para intelectuales, principalmente de ambas Américas > Climate change > Environmental protection as an ideological pretext

Environmental protection as an ideological pretext

Global warming   

Global warming  

Climate change  

Peter Kopa, 29.11.2019

Genesis of a lie

In Germany there is a group that is becoming more and more radical in its attempt to save the world from the climate catastrophe, as if it were imminent. To do this, it ideologically stylizes a totally false fact, consisting of accusing the open market and capitalism as homicidal elements that are killing the good climate. The champions of this movement in Germany are Carola Rackete and Alexander Repenning, who have published books that directly incite civil disobedience, with the aim of creating a new ultra-socialist political order.

Because the media worldwide has a tendency towards the left, for years they have been sowing the seeds of the climate lie, which now flourishes in the form of ideologies of social combat. Scientists are legion in denouncing this lie (see videos below), demonstrating with data that the climate has always been subject to more or less large fluctuations, determined mainly by the continuous changes in solar radiation. But these scientists have no place in the media.


The basic points of struggle

The ideology of climate change (which always assumes that man alone is responsible) propagated by Rackete and Repenning imperatively demands the following:

Punish the big CO2 emitters and stop their activities

At heart, this ideology wants to impose the revolution, to defend the absolute good of the climate, which thus becomes an alibi for a new form of the Russian Revolution of 1917, which brought nothing but tragedy and a hundred million deaths.

They propose to legally punish any destructive activity of the climate, as a crime against humanity, for which they are creating new concepts like ‘Ecocide’ and others.

These ideas, although ridiculous and without any rational basis, could nevertheless be dangerous if they achieved the same thing as the Nazi or Communist ideologies, which manipulated the masses with slogans that we regret today: the Aryan master race, the Jews are evil, religion as the opium of the people, the noble and rich must be eliminated, etc. And this danger should not be underestimated, because especially in Northern Europe, many people are easy prey to ideological manipulations, because they no longer have a clear conception of their own identity, because they have given themselves body and soul to practical materialism, which prevents them from recognizing the traps of ideological lies.

The nefarious ideologies of the left are almost always thought out in Northern Europe, and then applied mainly in Latin America as well: communism, liberation theology, indigenism and hatred of corporations and entrepreneurs. What is most striking in these ideologies is the outright self-proclamation of their own infallibility, which is why they reject any kind of dialogue from the outset, because deep down they have no arguments, which they compensate for precisely because of the brute and blind action, which is alien to human dignity. Because today they can no longer make the case for the exploitation of the poor, the left is replacing it precisely with the saga of the climate destruction caused by the economically powerful. 

Translated with (free version)  Source NZZ, Zuerich


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