Peter Kopa, Prague, 30.7.2022 a masterful and humorous keynote address at the opening of the academic year at the University of San Francisco, Steubenville, USA, delivered by Dr. Peter Kreeft in May 2022, on the ten great lies of our time.

The manifestation of truth

To irrational beings – i.e. plants, animals and the whole universe without man – truth does not matter because they themselves are truth, without knowing it, which is shown in their natural laws, the knowledge of which is the basis of science and technology.  If, for example, the law of gravity were not accepted, there would be no technological inventiveness and we would still be living in the prehistoric cave.

But very different is the order of truths concerning man’s identity and his transcendent destiny. Thanks to his powers of reason, will and memory, man is the only thinking and self-conscious being who realizes that he has a unique dignity and, at the same time, the corresponding freedom and responsibility.

Thanks to this, all civilizations and cultures have distinguished between good and evil, between just and unjust, between truth and falsehood, thanks to the light of reason and the dictates of the individual conscience. This has given rise to a moral and legal order that has always had as its goal the promotion of human dignity and individual and social well-being. The Judeo-Christian revelation confirmed it and raised it to the level of personal responsibility before God.

The truths about man himself

Abusing his own reason, man can contradict the truth, saying, for example, that his nature is not spiritual, but totally material, as a kind of Darwinian continuation of the monkey. The consequence of this starting point is a sequence of errors that end up considering man as an animal that only seeks to satisfy his natural instincts. In this scenario of reflections moves a whole current of rationalist philosophers, who since the sixteenth century have had a notable influence on Western thought.  And they have been the root and origin of harmful errors, which have crystallized in ideologies that have led to the horrors, never seen before, of Marxist communism and the disasters of Nazism, with a toll of two hundred million dead.

Let us now review the lies that affect us today:

1.Ecologist terrorism

Since 1945, ecological agitators have appeared in an increasing way, wielding the argument that the excessive amount of inhabitants on earth destroys the environment, considering man as an intruder in the paradise of the terrestrial globe, in perfect harmonic balance. This dialectical tension is in reality a variant of Marxism, only here the bad guy is not the rich capitalist, but man himself in the face of the poor world as condemned to be exploited and ruined.

I remember how in the seventies of the last century, the Club of Rome propagated to the four winds that there is no more room for more people on our planet, because natural resources such as oil, coal, fish in the sea, etc. would be exhausted. At that time there were only three billion inhabitants on earth. But after fifty years the Malthusian prophecy has not been fulfilled and the continuous discoveries of new natural resources, accompanied by scientific and technological progress, have refuted those environmentalist lies.


2.Global warming  

There is little to add to what scientists say, in the above videos, about global warming. In short: man is not its cause and CO2 does not cause any greenhouse effect, but rather is good for vegetation, because the constituent element of plants is carbon, which they capture from the air thanks to chlorophyll photosynthesis. But, logically, the mainstream media silence any scientist who does not faithfully repeat their ecological dogmas, under penalty of various sanctions such as losing his job, or being denigrated in the media in various ways.

At the scientific level, it is now clear that the main cause of climatic oscillations is the oscillations of solar energy emissions, followed by water vapor (clouds) in the atmosphere, ocean and atmospheric currents.  It is also well established science that the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere over the last 120 years, from 300 to 400 milligrams/m3, not only has no harmful effect on humans, but also increases plant growth.

We invite our readers to search in Google for internationally renowned scientists who demonstrate in documents or videos that global warming is caused by the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere. What predominates are general scientific statements or references without names and a lot of literature: for example, the UN in 2019: (please put  it on Google)

In contrast, silenced scientists abound who personally show their faces, in many videos, such as Patrick Moore, no less than the founder of Greenpeace, saying that co2 is not the cause of global warming:

Why people lie and to what end

It is evident that the orchestration of lies are the result of a very old and well studied strategy. It would not be logical to think that the various false statements, which are remarkably consistent with each other, would be the result of the spontaneity of the people employed in the mainstream media. More than 80% of this sector is controlled from a single vertex favorable to the establishment of the new globalist world order proclaimed by the last World Economic Forum in Davos.

This new order demands the destruction of the current order, for which ecological terrorism is one of the weapons used for this purpose, in addition to the ideological weapons of WOKE, genderism, LGTB, etc.  This kind of globalist tsunami does not tolerate opposition and has come to control all international organizations such as the UN, the WHO, the EU, etc. Its great power comes from the alliance of an important part of the multinationals. Mass protests are currently making headlines, especially in Canada, Holland, Australia and the USA.







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