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Critical views against the world governance

12’of scenes from street demonstrations around the world against the lockdown:

Opinion article, Peter Kopa, 25.3.2020

Origins of the unexpected behavior of the state

As we well know, since time immemorial man has survived through the formation of groups, tribes, and, in the end, nations and even international organizations. There was always in these groups some principle of authority, with the tendency to the despotic exercise of it.  In our articles on good and evil we explained how this evil comes from the fact that man is much hungrier for power than for money, which in the end is only an instrument to attain it. (El bien y el mal III ) And this evil inclination explains why so many holders of the highest authority in the group have attributed to themselves a divine nature, in the style of the Roman Caesar in the first century. Therefore, what he decided and said was absolute truth and opposition to it was always persecuted to the point of bloodshed.

We find this essential pattern of behavior in ancient civilizations, in European monarchies and in a Hitler, Stalin or Mussolini. Parallel to the highest political authorities, secret societies arose in Europe to oppose these abuses or to obtain advantages in sectors where special knowledge and experience were needed, as was the case in the construction of churches and palaces.

The vertiginous progress of science and technology gave rise to the industrial revolution in the West two centuries ago. With the mechanization of agriculture, great masses of people had to look for work in the cities and factories, creating the social class of the bourgeoisie. It is also the starting point for the accumulation of financial resources, which, in an environment of economic freedom, made possible the formation of the first national and multinational companies, especially around oil in the USA. Thus was born the social class of the very rich, who soon found ways to cooperate in defense of their common interests. Thus, big business began to influence the government of the state, especially when it moved from a monarchy to a democratic system. Even the state itself soon realized the need to create its own autarchic enterprises, in cooperation with the rich, to ensure sectors relevant to national security, in the areas of energy (in production and distribution), arms production, public transport, education and health.

But it was not until sixty years ago that the development of computers and information technology laid the foundations for a possible worldwide domination of the human masses. The most economically powerful men, especially in the USA, under the protection of the old secret societies, have thought out and concretized a growing control of the world economy. Today, 40% of the world economy is controlled by a single command, as demonstrated by a professor of the ‘Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule’ (Technical College) in Zurich, as we have referred to in our article ‘Economic manipulation on a global level’, where the Swiss Prof. B. Glattfelder explains it :

What is the philosophical profile of this world government?

About three hundred years ago secret societies began to form in a clear spirit of opposition to Christian institutions, especially against the Church. Their members believe in a superior being, as the architect of the universe, totally impersonal, and for them they turn to the teachings of Egypt and India. It is very striking that their insignia express sympathy for satanic attributes and expressions.

In the 40% of world control figure above all the multinational media corporations, which includes Hollywood, the big social networks such as facebook, twitter, youtube, Instagram, Google, Netflix etc., as well as print and digital media, which account for at least 80% worldwide:

On Google you can find many references on how the truth is manipulated every day, in such a way that they are advantageous or less harmful to one’s own interests. In film and video production there is a tendency to present an image of materialistic man where instincts predominate. Even in neutral productions for children, sexual details are included. On the other hand, in the early days of cinema, the intention was that it should have an educational function, or at least an entertainment without deforming the predominant Christian image of man.

Who and what is the hidden apex of world power?

We have been enduring the consequences of the coronavirus infection for more than a year. Our two articles on the conspiracy hypothesis, which initially seemed to us too audacious, however, with the passage of time, many fears have been confirmed. We are currently being offered the unprecedented spectacle in history of how a viral infection is the occasion for the establishment of an unexpected and totally unnecessary world control, from a hidden vertex, which manages to simultaneously coordinate 194 sovereign countries around the world, recognized as such by the United Nations. The end of this iron regime is the introduction of a new world order, advocated at the Davos Economic Forum, recently in January, with the support of the United Nations, the EU and big fortunes such as Gates, Soros and others. This program of action involves destroying the current world regime and then imposing a totalitarian regime, in which ‘nobody will own anything and you will be very happy’.

Few months ago there was hope that the USA would disrupt the global lockdown, but with Biden’s rise to presidential power, it seems that no other nation has the capacity to change the course of the increasing subjugation of states to the will of a small group to dominate the world, except Russia and China.

Lately I have the impression that China has played a major role, perhaps in cooperation with the apex, in the intentional spread of the coronavirus worldwide. This document is worth a look:

Among the voices of protest against the lockdown, the Barrington Declaration, where (we have talked about it on this website) the most prestigious experts address an open letter to all the countries of the world to stop imposing the lockdown, arguing that it is not necessary, because the immunization process would eventually cancel the problem. They only propose to protect the elderly, saying at the same time that the collateral damage of the lockdown is greater than that caused by the pandemic itself.  Barrigton’s voice, as expected, has been silenced and criticized in the mainstream media controlled by the apex media owners.

20.3.2021: global protest in the streets

The mainstream media can no longer silence the growing conviction that the lockdown is absurd, disproportionate and unnecessary to deal with the pandemic. At the same time, there is a growing number of scientists who support the Barrington Declaration, which urges countries to cancel the economic shutdown, the damage of all kinds of which is enormous and punishes above all the most modest people.  These consequences are systematically hushed up in the mainstream media controlled by the top brass.  At the same time, hundreds and thousands of videos and news have been produced seeking to discredit a conviction that is spreading virally from one end of the world to the other: that the world’s economic lockdown is disproportionate, cruel, totalitarian and despotic, leaving aside the constitutional guarantees that make freedom untouchable and demand a fair service to the individual.

It is impressive to observe how confidence in the state is deteriorating in exemplary countries such as Great Britain, Germany and the USA. It remains to be seen what the next political elections will be like and how vote manipulation can be avoided. If the people and the individual do not move now, the price to be paid in the future will be very high and materialistic totalitarianism will be difficult to reverse.






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