Victor Orban’s ‘war´

Summary of the speech of the Hungarian Prime Minister, at the Summer Free University, delivered on 27.7.2024 in Hungary.

Peter Kopa, Prague, 26.9.2024


Orban is an exceptional head of government for his boldness and courage to declare those truths that oppose the EU narrative propagated by the mainstream media. This exercise of his legitimate right to speak his mind clashes with so many prejudices and falsehoods spread by a press and politicians who dance to the tune of the globalist violins orchestrated by the US globalist oligarchy. And he is not alone. This spirit of throwing off the oppressive yoke of the American oligarchy, couched in fine words in the Davos 2030 Agenda, is encouraging other governments to take a more critical stance against their agendas. Orban says: ‘This means that if you see something wrong in the world – especially something very wrong – and you receive some instrument to correct it, then it is a Christian duty to take action, without contemplation or undue reflection. The Hungarian peace mission is about this duty. I would like to remind everyone that the EU has a founding commitment, which contains these exact words: “The aim of the Union is peace”. However, Brussels is offended that we call what they are doing a pro-war policy’.

The roots of the war in Ukraine

Orban tells us the EU has always been loyal to Biden’s globalist government, pouring gasoline on this war fire that no one knows how to cut. Nor can Putin be understood if one does not look at the history of events since the liquidation of the Soviet Union. What is unexpected is that the strength of Ukraine and its resistance has exceeded all expectations. Since 1991, eleven million people have left the country, which was ruled by oligarchs, with a very high level of corruption and a state that had essentially ceased to function.

Orban: The reality is that the Russians have learned the lessons of the sanctions imposed by the USA after the invasion of Crimea in 2014… and not only have they learned those lessons, but they have translated them into action. They implemented the necessary IT and banking improvements. As a result, the Russian financial system has not collapsed. They have developed the ability to adapt, and after 2014 we were victims of that, because we used to export to Russia a significant part of Hungarian food products. We could no longer do that because of sanctions, so the Russians modernized their agriculture, and today we are talking about one of the largest food export markets in the world; this is a country that used to have to rely on imports of these products. So the way Russia is portrayed to us – as a rigid neo-Stalinist autocracy – is false. In fact, we are talking about a country that shows technical and economic resilience, and maybe also social resilience, but we will see.’

Final crisis of the EU

  1. Orban states that ‘European politics has collapsed. Europe has given up defending its own interests: all Europe does today is to unconditionally follow the foreign policy line of the American democrats, even at the cost of its own self-destruction. The sanctions we have imposed harm fundamental European interests: they drive up energy prices and make the European economy uncompetitive. We let the blowing up of the Nord Stream pipeline go unpunished; Germany itself allowed an act of terrorism against its own property – which was obviously carried out under American direction – to go unpunished, and we did not say a word about it, we did not investigate it, we do not want to clarify it, we do not want to raise it in a legal context.’

He argues that the Berlin-Paris axis no longer exists and the new center and axis of power is formed by London, Warsaw, Kiev/Kiev, the Baltic countries and the Scandinavians. When, to the astonishment of Hungarians, one sees the German Chancellor announce that he is only sending helmets to war, and then, a week later, announce that he is actually sending arms, one does not think that the man has lost his mind. And when the same German chancellor announces that there may be sanctions, but that they must not cover energy, and two weeks later he himself takes the lead in the sanctions policy, do not think that the man has lost his mind. On the contrary, he is in his right mind as a faithful agent of the USA.

Twenty years ago, when the USA attacked Iraq and asked the European countries to join, Hungary did so only as a NATO member. At that time, Schröder, then German Chancellor, and Chirac, then French President, joined President Putin of Russia at a joint press conference called in opposition to the Iraq war. At that time there was still an independent Franco-German logic in addressing European interests.

Russia, a presentable country

In the last two years, most of the world has adopted a critical attitude to the US/EU narrative of looking at Russia as a bad friend, while losing confidence that the Western anti-Russian position is for the best. The reality has been that, step by step, the world is tilting in Russia’s favor. That China and North Korea do so is no surprise. That Iran would do the same – given Iran’s history and its relationship with Russia – is somewhat surprising. But that India, which the Western world calls the most populous democracy, also sides with the Russians is surprising. That Turkey refuses to accept the moral demands of the West, despite being a member of NATO, is also surprising. And the fact that the Muslim world sees Russia not as an enemy but as a partner is completely unexpected’.

The disintegration of the West

Victor Orban: ‘the war has made it clear that the biggest problem facing the world today is the weakness and disintegration of the West. Of course, this is not what the Western media say: in the West the mainstream media claim that the greatest danger and problem in the world is Russia and the threat it represents. This is false. Russia is too vast for its population, and it is also under hyper-rational leadership – in fact, it is a country that has leadership. There is nothing mysterious about what it does: its actions follow logically from its interests and are therefore understandable and predictable. In contrast, the behavior of the West – as can be deduced from what I have said so far – is neither understandable nor predictable’.

Sovereignty is non-negotiable

Orban reminds us of the enormous importance of the governments of the various states not compromising their sovereignty in any way, because the democrats of the USA and the EU seek to deny it for the sake of a totally homogenized world, without borders, without any creed or traditional teaching. They tear down patriotism and then the American government laments that it fails to fill its military personnel contingents. Orban states that ‘nation states have a biblical basis, since they belong to the order of creation. Indeed, in the Scriptures we read that at the end of time not only individuals but also nations will be judged. Consequently, in our conception, nations are not provisional formations’ The opening of the Olympic Games in Paris is an example of what the globalists are after. And this is why they think differently about migration, which helps to sweep away traditional Christian culture.

The great absurdity

While in the eastern half of Europe hundreds of thousands of Christians are killing each other, in western Europe we let in hundreds of thousands of people from foreign civilizations. From our Central European point of view, this is the definition of absurdity. This idea is not even conceivable in the West. In parenthesis I point out that the European states lost a total of some fifty-seven million indigenous Europeans in the First and Second World Wars. If they, their children and grandchildren had lived, Europe would not have demographic problems today. The European Union does not limit itself to thinking in the way I am describing. If we read the European documents carefully, it is clear that the goal is to destroy the nation’.

Trump, the great hope

‘The precise goal of President Donald Trump is to bring the American people back from the post-national liberal state, to force them back, to elevate them back to the nation state. The stakes in the American election are of transcendent importance. That is why we are seeing things we have never seen before. That’s why the forces of evil want to stop Donald Trump from running for office. That’s why they want to put him in jail. That’s why they want to take away his assets. And since all this hasn’t worked, now they want to kill him. And let there be no doubt that what happened may not be the last attack of this campaign’.

The awakening of the right

‘And finally, the consequence of this reality that we see in the West has a serious – and I would say dramatic – political consequence that is convulsing democracy. Because in societies there is a growing resistance against immigrants, against genderism, against war and globalism. And this creates the political problem between the elite and the people – of elitism and populism. This is the defining phenomenon of Western politics today. The elites condemn the people for drifting to the right. The sentiments and ideas of the people are branded as xenophobia, homophobia and nationalism. In response, the people accuse the elite of not caring about what is important to them, but of sinking into a kind of unhinged globalism. As a result, the elites and the people cannot agree on the question of cooperation. I could mention many countries. But if the people and the elites cannot agree on mutual cooperation, how can this dialectic produce a representative democracy? Because we have an elite that does not want to represent the people, and prides itself on not wanting to represent them; and we have the people, who are not represented’.

The tyranny of the globalist EU

‘This has consequences for the European Union. The consequence is that Brussels is still under the occupation of a liberal globalist oligarchy. This oligarchy has it in its grip. This left-liberal elite is in fact organizing a transatlantic elite: not European, but global; not nation-state based, but federal; and not democratic, but oligarchic. This also has consequences for us, because in Brussels it is back to the “3 P’s”: “forbidden, allowed and promoted”. We Hungarians belong to the forbidden category. Therefore, patriots for Europe have been closed to any office. We live in the world of the permitted political community. Meanwhile, our national opponents – especially the newcomers to the European People’s Party – are in the category of the strongly promoted’.

‘It has turned out that these Western values, which were believed to be universal, are now unacceptable and rejected in more and more countries around the world. It has turned out that modernity, modern development, is no longer Western, or at least not exclusively Western, because China is modern, India is increasingly modern, and the Arabs and the Turks are modernizing; and they are not becoming a modern world on the basis of Western values at all. And meanwhile, Western soft power has been replaced by Russian soft power, because now, unfortunately, the key to the spread of Western values is LGBT. Anyone who does not accept this is now in the “backward” category as far as the Western world is concerned. I don’t know if you’ve been watching, but I think it’s striking that in the last six months pro-LGBTQ laws have been passed in countries like Ukraine, Taiwan and Japan. But the world doesn’t agree. Consequently, today the strongest tactical weapon Putin has in his hands is Western imposition of LGBTQ and resistance to it, opposition to it. This has become Russia’s greatest international attraction; thus, what was once Western soft power has now transformed into Russian soft power, like a boomerang’.

The apparent loss of Western leadership

‘We are in a change, a change is coming, which has not been seen in five hundred years. It has not been evident to us because in the last 150 years there have been great changes in us and around us, but in these changes the dominant world power always remained in the West. On the contrary, we are now facing a new situation. In the past, the changes were Western: the Habsburgs rose and then fell; Spain rose, and became the center of power; fell, and the British rose; World War I ended the monarchies; the British were replaced by the Americans as world leaders; then the Russian-American Cold War was won by the Americans. But all these events remained within our Western logic. However, this is not the case now, and this is what we have to face; because the Western world is not challenged from within the Western world, so the logic of change has been upended.’

‘What I am talking about, and what we are facing, is really a global system change. And it is a process that is coming from Asia. To put it succinctly and primitively, for the next few decades – or maybe centuries, because the previous world system was in place for five hundred years – the dominant center of the world will be in Asia: China, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, and I could go on. They have already created their structures, their platforms, and the formation of the BRICS alliance is underway, in which Russia, China, India, Brazil, Pakistan, Indonesia, Venezuela, Mexico and the Arab countries are already cooperating. And there is the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, in which these countries are building the new world economy’.

‘I think it is an inevitable process, because Asia has the demographic advantage, it has the technological advantage in more and more areas, it has the capital advantage, and it is balancing its military power with that of the West. Asia will have – or perhaps already has – the most money, the biggest financial funds, the biggest companies in the world, the best universities, the best research institutes and the biggest stock exchanges. It will have – or already has – the most advanced space research and the most advanced medical science. Moreover, we in the West – even the Russians – have been well guided into this new entity that is taking shape. The question is whether or not the process is reversible and, if not, when it became irreversible. I think it happened in 2001, when we in the West decided to invite China to join the World Trade Organization, better known as the WTO. Since then, this process has been almost unstoppable and irreversible’.

Future vision for the USA

‘President Trump is working to find the U.S. response to this situation. In fact, Donald Trump’s attempt is probably the last chance for the United States to retain its global supremacy. We could say that four years is not enough, but if we look at who he has chosen as vice president, a young and very strong man, if Donald Trump wins now, in four years his vice president will be running. He can serve two terms, and that will add up to twelve years. And in twelve years a national strategy can be put in place. I am convinced that many people think that, if Donald Trump returns to the White House, the Americans will want to preserve their global supremacy by maintaining their position in the world. I think this is a mistake. Of course, no one abandons positions willingly, but that will not be the most important goal.’

‘ On the contrary, the priority will be to rebuild and strengthen North America. This means not only the United States, but also Canada and Mexico, because together they form an economic space. And the place of the United States in the world will be less important. We have to take seriously what the President says: “America First, everything from here, everything will come home”. That’s why the ability to raise capital from everywhere is being developed. We are already suffering the consequences: the big European companies are not investing in Europe, but in America. They are going to squeeze the price of everything to everybody. I don’t know if you have read what the president said. For example, they are not an insurance company, and if Taiwan wants security, let them pay. They will make us Europeans, NATO and China pay the price for security; and they will also strike a trade balance with China through negotiations, and shift it in favor of the US’.

Europe’s future vision

‘ What is the European response to the changing world system? We have two options. The first is what we call ‘the open-air museum’. That’s what we have now. We are moving towards it. Europe, absorbed by the United States, will lose its political and economic importance. It will be a continent that will amaze the world, but will no longer have the dynamics of growth within it. The second option, announced by President Macron, is strategic autonomy. In other words, we must enter the competition for change in the world system. After all, that is what the United States is doing, according to its own logic. And we are talking, in effect, about 400 million people. It is quite possible to recreate Europe’s capacity to attract capital, and it is also possible to attract capital from America. It is also feasible to realize major infrastructure developments, especially in Central Europe: the Budapest-Bucharest HST (high-speed train) and the Warsaw-Budapest HST, to mention just one case in which we are involved. In addition, we need a European military alliance with a strong defense, research and innovation industry of our own. We need European energy self-sufficiency, which will not be possible without nuclear energy.

And after the war we need a new reconciliation with Russia. This means that the European Union must give up its ambitions as a political project, the Union must be strengthened only as an economic project. In both cases – the open-air museum or if we enter the competition. We must be prepared for the fact that Ukraine will not be a member of NATO or the European Union, because we Europeans do not have enough money for it. Ukraine will return to the position of a buffer state. If it is lucky, this will be accompanied by international security guarantees, which will be embodied in an agreement between the United States and Russia, in which we Europeans will be able to participate’.



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