Ukraine: War in Europe?

Peter Kopa, Prague, 14.9.2024

Ukraine was a republic, within the Soviet Union, from its formation in 1922 until its collapse in 1991. During this period, it experienced great internal changes and tensions, including the devastating effects of the Holodomor famine, which killed some four million people in the 1930s, as well as Soviet policies of repression and control. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine became independent on August 24, 1991. However, the process of building an independent state and consolidating a national identity was difficult, given the historical and cultural ties with Russia.

In the years following independence, Ukraine struggled to establish a balanced relationship with Russia, especially on economic, energy and foreign policy issues. In 2013, then Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych suspended an association agreement with the European Union in order to move closer to Russia. This sparked mass protests, supported by the USA, known as Euromaidan. In February 2014, the situation culminated in the coup d’état – instigated by the USA – against Yanukovych and the formation of a new pro-Western government.

In response to these events, Russia annexed Crimea in March 2014, widely condemned by the international community. Simultaneously, conflicts erupted in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of eastern Ukraine, where pro-Russian separatist groups, supported by Russia, began fighting against the Ukrainian government. This triggered an armed conflict, in which Zelenski was engaged, that cost the lives of 14,000 people and has persisted to this day.

On February 24, 2022, Russia launched the invasion of Ukraine, justifying it with national security and protection of Russian speakers in Ukraine. Formally it was an act of violation of international law and of Ukraine’s sovereignty, but one cannot forget the previous and prolonged intervention of the USA supporting the political side in favor of integration into the West, nor can one ignore the great Russian fear of a future Ukraine allied with NATO, placing its military bases only 500 km from Moscow! To understand this, it is necessary to remember how the USA reacted to the installation of atomic bomb launching bases in Cuba, some sixty years ago. The firm attitude of President J.F. Kennedy at the time succeeded in getting a flotilla of Russian ships bound for Cuba to return to their base.

The war in Ukraine has caused a severe humanitarian crisis, with hundreds of thousands dead, millions displaced and significant devastation in the affected areas. The international community, led by the US, has responded with sanctions against Russia, military and economic assistance to Ukraine, and diplomatic efforts to try to resolve the conflict.

Since 1991 the USA has been in violation of its treaty with Russia

This is the ‘Treaty on Good Neighborly Relations and Mutual Cooperation between the Russian Federation and the United States of America’, signed on June 17, 1991. This treaty was one of the important agreements at the end of the Cold War, during the presidency of George H.W. Bush and that of the Soviet president. Bush and Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev. In this agreement, both parties renounced intervention in third countries: in other words, they undertook not to intervene or interfere in the internal affairs of third countries or to support groups that could disrupt the stability and security of other states.

Likewise, the parties undertook to respect the sovereignty and rights of states: respect for the sovereignty of other countries and the principle of non-intervention in internal affairs were emphasized. Finally, the intention of future mutual cooperation was proclaimed: it sought to strengthen bilateral cooperation in various fields, promoting stability and security through collaboration rather than confrontation. This treaty was a significant step in the effort to reduce tensions between the two superpowers and reflected a change in international dynamics at the end of the Cold War. This could have been the beginning of a friendship between the two sides, which would have induced peace and global welfare. This hope was unfortunately destroyed by the arrogance of the US, which from the very first moment threw the Treaty into the wastebasket.

In breach of the Treaty, the USA began to intervene in various ways in Ukraine in order to integrate it into NATO. This attitude was the reason for Putin’s repeated warnings to the USA, culminating in the coup d’état against the then Ukrainian President Yanukovych on February 22, 2014. Since then NATO and the USA have intensified their actions to integrate Ukraine into the European political sphere, always against Russian protests, which in the end led to the Russian military occupation of Ukraine. And shortly before that, the internal civil war in Ukraine has resulted in fourteen thousand deaths, mostly civilians. Therefore, Russia should not be seen as the only ‘bad guy’, but in the end it reacted with its military force against the American instigation to try to take Ukraine under its sphere of influence and control. We recommend watching the videos of the two greatest experts on the subject: Jeffrey Sachs and Donald MacGregor, both Americans who criticize their own country.

The risk of war in Europe

This link reflects the attitude of some of the European political leaders, who assume or accept the war with Russia: Great Britain, France, Germany, Finland, Sweden and some others, who are under the influence of the USA that actually looks at all Europe as its faithful instrument to impose its hegemony in the world. A good proof of this has been the destruction of the gas pipeline used by Russia to supply cheap gas to Europe, which forced it to buy the same from the Americans at a cost multiplied by four.

Europe has no way to cope with non-nuclear Russian rocketry, which can be fired from Russia to any point in Europe. Despite so many demonstrations against the war, here we see once again how many European governments do not think of the good of their people, but of personal advantages.

In response to the total failure of the Ukrainian incursion inside Russian territory, at Kursk, Zelensky asks the USA to provide them with rockets with a range of about 1000 km. If such a Ukrainian counter-attack were to be carried out, it could trigger Russian attacks on neighboring countries. If Trump were to win the election, this aid would be cut off, but if K. Harris these weapons would be given to Zelensky. In this case American rockets could reach Moscow. But it would be better not to excite the Russian bear more and more, because it might occur to him to punish some European countries.

In recent days, Putin warned that a new attack on Russia with longer-range American rockets would be tantamount to a direct NATO attack on Russia, to which he would have no choice but to respond in the same way, by counterattacking European countries.

Donald MacGregor insists in his speeches that Russia has no interest in attacking any European country. He probably could not foresee that his ‘special operation’ in Ukraine would provoke the whole series of reactions we are seeing, due to the unexpected help he has been receiving from the USA and European countries. Unfortunately, this aid has led to swelling the volume of the war, killing on both fronts many hundreds of thousands of soldiers, in the prime of their lives, as parents, children with parents praying for him and professionals who could have benefited their country.

Russia today, a paradigm shift

The main stream media have instilled in us the outrage at the Russian attack in Ukraine, without considering its historical background. Besides, what leading country today can raise its accusing finger against another, judging it as an unjust aggressor? Let us remember the German aggressions of the last century, or the English (liquidation of millions of indigenous peoples in North America) and French colonizations, or how the USA took over a large part of Mexican territory in the 19th century, etc. We could go on with Napoleon’s abuses, with the slave trade, etc. All countries have in the closet of their history many dirty laundry, which are kept well covered. Even Spain, which has thrown itself into the conquest and Christianization of the Indians in America, fell victim to the black legend. It is an anti-Catholic Nordic narrative that erroneously says that Spain has gone to America only to steal gold from the Indians and kill them.

The West still hasn’t gotten over seeing Russia as if it were the Soviet Union and this has contributed to the USA still thinking it is their enemy for assuming they want to dominate the world, rather than them. In MacGregor’s video, above, he insists that Russia does not want to attack anyone else. After 35 years it is time to keep in mind that this is a Christian country, where the state is concerned with building churches and opposing the ideological errors splashed on them from the West, sponsored by the Davos 2030 Agenda, the great instigator of the Ukrainian war. It should be noted that this Agenda also controls the conglomerate of the military industry in the USA, where the billions of dollars of aid to Ukraine for the purchase of armaments go. This has parallels with the COVID 19 pandemic, where governments forced countries to buy vaccines only from Pfizer and a few others. Despite the American sanctions, the Russian economy is doing much better than expected.



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