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The Russian orthodox church and the government

Peter Kopa, Prague, 19.3.2018

As is well known, the Russian Orthodox Church was forced into seclusion as a cruelly persecuted Cinderella during the era of communism, from 1917 to 1990. However, after the fall of communism, the forecasts that had expected it to evolve as an institution separate from the State were not fulfilled, but rather it has become a cooperative institution, totally trusting in Putin’s promises to revitalize the Christian faith in all areas, with the idea of seeking the deepest identity of a profoundly Christian people.

Thus, the Orthodox Church and the State want to return to the style of national coexistence around the principle of one faith, one feeling and unquestioned obedience to authority. It remains to be seen whether this is just tactics and cold calculation, or rather responds to an upright and sincere attitude on both sides. It should be borne in mind that one of the many legacies left by the Communist era is atheism, which was hammered into the spirit of the Russian people for almost three generations.

Currently, this model of coexistence has a series of rather positive external manifestations, such as a kind of ‘Kulturkampf’ – a term that in German means the cultural war – which leads, for example, to public condemnation of immorality, such as abortion, homosexuality, genderism, etc. What is interesting is that the educated minority in Russia is being left out of this, and the vast majority of simple people are being addressed, who are ensuring the quantitative substance in political elections and street demonstrations in support of Putin, with phrases like ‘Krim Nash’: the Crimea belongs to us. From this perspective it is understandable that in the elections of March 17, 2018, Putin obtained more than 70% of the votes.


Changes in the Western political scene

Something analogous is happening in the political scene of the Western world, where one of the strongest revulsions has been the campaign and the electoral victory of President Trump, the man who has challenged the sclerotized political structures in the USA, covered by a hypertrophied bureaucratic crust. At the same time, similar phenomena have appeared in France, Germany, Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic. This indicates that there is a deep weariness with the dissolution of one’s identity or ‘Weltanschauung’, which includes mainly the millennial Christian faith that Trump is defending strongly.


It is a protest against the factual materialism propagated with the facts by almost all cultural, political and educational institutions, decisively supported by the European Union, which after denigrating God in various ways, now tries to impose genderism, homosexuality and increase support for abortion.  This is a coldly studied attack, which has the appearance of having been thought out and implemented, for many years, from a vertex of power through big Hollywood business, the big social networks and from the centers of economic manipulation, also through the indebtedness of the states, so that they fall into the trap of having to accept and smile at the impositions of the will of the creditor subjects.




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