Think tank para intelectuales, principalmente de ambas Américas > Ideology > The question of the identity of man: to be or not to be

The question of the identity of man: to be or not to be

Peter Kopa, 6.8.2018  (ver arriba el gran discurso de Charlie Chaplin)

The approach to Hamlet’s drama

One of the most discussed concepts in recent years is that of the identity of man, which is assuming today the characteristics of a box of surprises where anything can be taken out of it. It is a Hamletian question, being the starting point of every human civilization and culture. For millennia, since the profound night of time, this question has always been absolutely vital to living and building a human society. The attempts to answer it can be found in the religions of the peoples, in the hieroglyphs chiselled into granite blocks by the Egyptians, in Chinese wisdom, and, above all, in the Greek philosophy of Plato and Aristotle, which in turn was confirmed and raised to its highest expression by divine revelation in the people of Israel, the foundation of the Judeo-Christian wisdom of the West.

Until man accepts this truth, which collects and reconciles among itself all the truths said and written in the last seven thousand years, he is like a boat on the high seas without a compass and instruments that would allow him to know where he is.  By allowing himself to be guided by the magnetic pole, the navigator’s journey is serene, even if he has to put in the effort required by every journey through the immensity of the sea. And every path that aspires to reach a maximum goal becomes therefore unique and exclusive of other directions.

This clear and simple reflection is shown in the historical reality of man as in a permanent struggle between being and not being, between the bitter freedom of being lost on the high seas and the happy security of who knows who and what he is, setting his life in the right direction. Broadly speaking, this is precisely the glory of the West, which has allowed a civilizing development never reached in any other continent, assuming an unprecedented leadership in all sectors, such as cultural, technical, economic, etc.

Can man not want to know his own identity?

            Yes, he can. This is precisely the great problem of today’s Western culture, which spreads like measles to other areas of the world. The European thinkers who have ascended to great heights in their philosophical reflections, due to the philosophical relativism, many of them now fall into the depths of the abyss, because they do not accept the truth of man, the truth of the magnetic pole, which is a set of untouchable truths that are at the base of our laws, of science and of our way of life. Descartes, in the 17th century, transmuted for the first time the order of philosophical thought, taking as a starting point not the extramental being, but the very I. Once this furrow had been opened, a whole current of philosophers fell into it, who increasingly dispensed to submit to the primacy of being and its laws, in order to take refuge, in an eagerness to change the world into their own miserable likeness, in the apparent comfort and limitless freedom of the self, as the ultimate criterion of truth.

            One of the most bitter fruits of this erroneous starting point is the German rationalism of Fichte, Schelling and Hegel, who are the precursors of the materialistic thought of Feuerbach and Marx, who, as is well known, expresses it as his communist ideology in his work ‘Das Kapital’. This abandonment of the magnetic pole cost the lives, as is well known, of 100 million people, killed as a result of communist ideology, which constitute the greatest massacres in human history.

            As is well known, Nazi ideology has also sought to justify its crimes in the mistaken thinking of Nietzsche and other philosophers who started from the Self, and not from the being of things. At least 35 million more deaths, not counting the 20 million Russians killed by Hitler in his attempt to subdue Russia.


Today’s game with the identity of man

            It should be declared a crime against humanity to deny that there can be an objective truth that everyone has to recognize, especially in the mouths of prestigious thinkers in university professorships or in other positions of influence over the human masses, who have so often been wronged by leaders who had a duty to give them the truth. The cataclysms of war in the 20th century lead some to advocate a world without God, without values, without truth, because they wrongly think that they have been the cause of the disasters.  Many others, however, say the logical thing: wars have been produced by the abandonment of truth, first in the philosophical instance and then in the educational and cultural world. Human arrogance manifests in this its infinite malice, a kind of cosmic sin, which at present pitifully creates structures in which people are again cheated and exploited in favor of ideological interests.

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