The formation of nations and states

The cultural factor

Scientific and technical progress has led, first in the West, to themechanization of agriculture and industrialization, which in turn favored the industrialism and the rapid growth of cities. At the same time was conceptualizing and spreading democracy as a new form ofelection of the rulers. In this sense the great modern paradigm has been the USA,the rule of law was established there, the Constitution with its guarantees in favour of the defense of the inalienable human rights of the individual, and,above all, the principle that the State must be at the service of manindividual and family as the basic cell of society.

This whole new form of democratic government was deeply inspired by Judeo-Christian principles and predated the French Revolution. It should be remembered, in this connection, that the territory of the USA was initially populated by English and Irish people who were persecuted for their faith.Thus, people have come to the American shores with a dream and avision of founding a new world on the basis of Natural Law and onprinciples mentioned, somewhat reinforced by PuritanismProtestant. And precisely for this reason, the United States was considering himselfas the guardian of justice and democracy, which is apolitical messianism that is at the heart of his military interventions in Korea, Vietnam, Kosovo, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and now Syria, attacking the IS (Islamic State).  

Inspired primarily by this American model, very different from the ideas propagated by the French Revolution, insofar as they were inspired by the rationalist atheism, first in the entire West and since the 20th century in almost everyone has been forming a democratic conscience. And this with its more and their less, depending on the starting point in a particular nation. This democratic inculturation, for example, is still very difficult in Africa, due to the tribal organization of social coexistence. In this sense, each State has its own history, unrepeatable and different from other States. To this day, in many places, clothing the democratic exterior is superimposed on ancestral forms of attribution of the political power. A special case is the Islamic countries, where there has always been applying the Law of the Koran which also imposes its rules on the formation of the government, as strictly required by Allah and far from the Democracy. 

Scientific and technological progress

Scientific and technological progress has enabled an increasing quality oflife, not only in the material order, which has a positive impact on life/expectations, which today is reaching 80 years in Europe,thanks, above all to medicine and the best conditions of hygiene. The rapid transport, the infrastructure of highways, tunnels, bridges, railways and airports is increasingly reducing distances and differences of any kind. Thus, every flight is, without realizing it, a cultural event that brings people closer together, counteracting old prejudices and hatreds, even if there is still a certain pique between Germany and Holland, and between England, France and Spain etc. Tourism,sports events broadcast on TV and in the media have in this sense a highly positive effect, to the extent that today a war is not thinkable between the countries of Europe, nor between the greatmost other countries without global leadership. Instead, the tensions with war potential are seen today in the jihadist belligerence of a small part of the Arab countries and in the hegemonic claims of Russia and North Korea. And the US, for its part, continues to play its role as human rights watchdog, while at the same time seeking their owng eopolitical interests. 

The demographic factor

However, in the last 50 years, what has most profoundly transmuted the human substrate of States and Nations has been the contraceptive pill (or abortion) and abortions, which in Europe have already reached 40 million, and in the USA at 51 million,  from 1973 to 2011,according to the American Guttmacher Institute. If we consider that in 1880 in the USA there were 50,189,209 inhabitants, according to the official census, the figure of unborn child homicide is creepy and almost unbelievable. It’s easy to imagine all the enormous potential of human talent that has thus been eliminated from the world. If these 100 million people had been allowed to live in Europe and the USA, men and women (by 2015), we will have surpassed this scale, if we include the unregistered abortions) we would now be culturally much better off.There probably wouldn’t have been both world wars.The combined effect of these two demographic brakes – the pill contraception and abortion – explains why it is now being reduced dramatically the original European ethnicity, which is being replaced in Europe for the already 20 million Arab, Turkish and African immigrants.

The Arabs do not assimilate the European culture and mentality in the first two generations.On the other hand, in the United States there was a very strong current of European immigration, caused by the world wars of the last century, which have caused a moving of tens of millions people, who have come to the Americas and have enriched the human capital of every nation. Then it has followed a strong immigration flow from Mexico and from the Asia into the USA. As the USA is a young and more open-minded country, the assimilation of these people did not and does not pose major problems today, in good part because they are mostly of Christian culture, with a strong dose of Spanish-American culture. In these events you can see how the high population growth has made the USA the world’s leading country. In addition, more births per woman are registered in the USA than in other countries.Europeans, with the exception of a few.

The demographic imbalance, especially in the more developed countries in Europe, but also in Japan and China, creates the problem that ever less young people of economic production age have to support more and more people off work. It should be noted, that the most countries have the system of pensions paid by the contribution of the taxpayers at that very moment.However, the deep roots of this ethnic suicide, which puts ridiculous any romanticism around the love of the own country, expressed in the the kiss of the flag, in the eagerness to defend it with arms. Also this fact has an impact on the the cultural sice of individuals. 

Relevance of the cultural factor

The crux of the matter is in the conception that the man has formed from himself, in the last fifty years,when the population drop began. This question depends directly on the choice the individual makes in the face of the question of faith in God. If he believes in him and if he strives to follow moral principles, such people will be consistent with these principles, which will, among other things, have the effect of greater openness towards the transmission of life. On the other hand, if the individual relativizes, revises or replaces that existential premise – which inspires all religions and that it rumbles in the conscience – by the law of one’s own taste, would also not be its immediate consequence, the total reprogramming of the moral conscience, with dire results in society?

This second option – generally unconscious – places God in a second level, which is sometimes considered to be an out dated fundamentalism.This means exalting one’s own self, thus making the man assume a comfortable absolute freedom? By definition, culture is the objectification of values by the individual and society, here and now.Practically, man, in valuing himself above all else, as the ultimate measure, what he intends is to put himself in the place of God, whom he does not he necessarily deny, but he puts his conditions to believe in him. When this process takes the form of abandoning the first correct premise, where God was at the center, there is a deep self-deception that leads to a behavior that degrades him in his moral behavior.

The post-Christian era is marked by this problem, manifesting bitter fruits of an anti-culture that goes to the extreme of satanism. Thus, the only good thing is what the self-flatters, and here first is the gloating in the own power and glory, even if it is only to seek pleasure at any price, sport, a car and little else. A person like that can’tunderstand that true human fulfillment can only be found respecting the rules of Natural Law. And in this line, it occupies a placeThe most important thing is not to disregard the instinct and the vocation to motherhood and parenthood. I mean, all that crowd of people who have been seduced by the advertising promises of personal pleasure, as the ultimate goal, are those that do not want to have children because they see in them a hindrance to their travels, theirsports, their professional life, their physical beauty etc. This effect is more harmful in the woman, because she is the main protagonist in the transmission of human life. Fortunately, the error of feminism is losing a lot of ground in the USA, where it was born.

This profile that opts for the ‘ˇfree choice’ in everything and for everything, at the time of the political elections they will probably prefer candidates who approve of abortion, gay marriages, an environmentalism and sexual initiation in schools from the age of 9 etc.From the above we can conclude that the formal democratic vote, is only one of the ways to elect a ruler, which is less important. In fact, individual life choices constitute the otherway of voting, much more transcendent in its results, because after three generations this process  transmute the human base of the State.

The other forms of the factual vote that shapes a nation and its legal organization is the rejection of ethical principles, or being misled by environmental mistakes – like that man is the cause of global warming- or the acceptance of any other misguided ideology. An example of ideological non-neutrality is the democratic vote  that allowed Hitler to come to power. So, one of the great the main deception was the racial discrimination of Jews and other ethnic groups, and the conviction that the humiliation of the First World War had to be fixed by guns. In 1933, the Catholic Church condemned Nazi ideology in the magisterial document ˇMit brennender Sorge’ (With Ardent Concern), which has been read from the pulpit in the Catholic churches of Germany. This explains why the vast majority of votes in favour of Hitler came from the non-Catholic electorate in the north of the country. I could argue more examples.

In this situation, I ask the reader: wouldn’t one need to examine oneself to eventually assume personal responsibility for supporting factual situations that are a burden to society? Or the opposite: What more I can do to provide more positive facts that will improve the formation of my nation and my state? These considerations may not be ‘politically correct’, but there is no demonstration that the most people really want the state of things that we’re regretting. At this point in our history, isn’t it time to think and talk openly, without hurting anyone, but  saying what in all consciencewe think it’s best? Doesn’t society have the same struggle that man has inside him, who so often does evil and then regrets and fixes it?

A sad example, which right now is tearing families apart: towardsAugust 2015 in Australia, something like a lightning strike fromthe world’s media heaven: hackers have managed to get into the digital platform of Ashley Madison, the nr. 1 cybernetic montage that aims to intermediate contacts between men and women who are looking for a relationship lovingly, bringing to light 36 million customers, the vast majority men. On top of that, this database was immediately given to a search engine, so that anyone can see if a particular person is or has been ever a client of this nefarious organization. And some journalists arenow on the hunt for information on any VIP, to turn them into the target of his shots to kill his good name. Faced with all this moral and cultural problem, the State in the OECD should encourage any initiative that seeks to provide cultural training  consistent with the Judeo-Christian culture that gave greatness and leadership in history. We must bear in mind that the quality of the good or bad behaviour of the State, is a direct function of the moral and cultural quality of citizens. In the face of the impotence of the State to make his citizens good people, he has no choice but to support any institutionalized work of a religious or cultural nature, which on the basis of the principle of subsidiarity, solve this big problem. The State would make a grave mistake thinking that he himself, through his public schools, could achieve the same without the initiative of these intermediate groups or organizations. And worst of all, in this sense, is when the state, like the dog of the gardener (a Spanish proverb), does not eat nor let eat others. That is to say,when in the education sector  puts very difficult legal conditions to control the educational initiative of the citizens, thus imposing his monopoly on education, always with the money of his faithful taxpayers.  


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