The Child trafficking horror
Peter Kopa, Prague, 20.12.2024

We summarize the above hour-long interview sent by The Epoch Times, 10.12.2024. A few comments follow at the end.

Child trafficking

The film ‘The Sound of Freedom’ has revealed and denounced this crime, which flourishes at the pace of the massive and uncontrolled entry of immigrants crossing the border from Mexico to the USA. It can be assumed that something similar is happening in other countries, whose statistics of missing children are growing.

In the US, an unprecedented criminal drama of child trafficking is taking place. The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is handing over a large number of unaccompanied immigrant children into the hands of criminals, to people connected to criminal organizations such as MS-13 and the 18th Street gang.

Many of these children (boys and girls) work grueling shifts in slaughterhouses, restaurants or factories. Others are sold as objects of sexual abuse. The child endures this hell for two years, and at the end some go to the ‘slaughterhouse’, where their organs are removed for sale. Something analogous is done in China: https:  //

From 2019 to 2023, US immigration authorities moved more than 448,000 unaccompanied minors from the custody of US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to HHS. But a recent monitoring report found that ICE is unable to cover more than 32,000 unaccompanied children who failed to appear for court hearings. Another 291,000 unaccompanied children simply did not receive any notification, becoming a human mass that due to ignorance of their existence becomes a target of criminal trafficking.

The whistleblowers

This has been courageously denounced by Cindy Drukier. It has also been denounced by Tara Rhodes who was formerly with the American Thought Leaders. She has reported it before the U.S. House of Representatives as well as the U.S. Senate. She testified about what she witnessed first hand while temporarily stationed at HHS. She has been a civil servant for 20 years and has worked most of her career in the Federal Inspectors General Guild.

Then there is the testimony of Aaron Stevenson, a former member of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, who became a whistleblower the moment he discovered some very disturbing realities.

The chasm of evil in trafficking with children

It is hardly credible that child trafficking is tolerated by the Biden administration and funded on the backs of taxpayers. More than half a million children have arrived mainly from Caribbean countries at the U.S. border, who, under official regulation, hand them over to individuals or criminal organizations. Aaron Stevenson says these children have simply disappeared. We know from some reports, including the New York Times, that only less than 10% are reunited with their parents.

Certain instrumental NGOs recruit the children in their countries of origin, with deception and false promises to their parents that they will have a better life in the USA. They are told that they will be under the protection of the American government. But the reality is different, horrifying: Hannah Dreier traveled the country and interviewed children who said they were in forced labor conditions. Children are not only working night shifts in slaughterhouses and in jobs for which they are not prepared, but some even lose their lives. There was a 16-year-old girl in Houston who was a victim of forced prostitution, in a house that supposedly belonged to her aunt but she has never been able to see her. Children tell stories of untold stories of abuse and rape.
There are many different ways that can be used to make money by abusing a child: pornography, slave labor, sexual abuse and even using girls to ‘produce’ babies, as if they were cows in a barn. Now we are even finding another very disturbing exploitation where young children can be subjected to sex change processes.

In this video, Mrs. Meloni, head of the Italian government, explodes in righteous anger at this crime. We recommend watching the 16′ video until the end, translated from Italian to English. She denounces the different ways of the European mafias, in which the nefarious trafficking of children takes place.

Jordan Peterson, for the purposes of the Nazi holocaust, says that any person can fall into the deepest moral barbarism if he is not faithful to firm principles. And these have always come from a religious conception of life, which unambiguously teaches that every man is wounded by original sin. The only way to solve the problem is to know that everyone has to answer personally for his actions, before God, at the moment of death.

In reality, the drama of the exploiter of children is much greater, because if he does not repent and if he does not compensate as much as possible for the evil, he will not be able to escape a horrifying eternity, while his victims, even if it does not seem so, will enjoy an eternity of glory. It is important to see the holocaust, wars and other catastrophes, such as the recent pandemic, in this light, in order to understand a little better the arcane mysteries of human history.

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