Stock market betting on Trump´s death

Stock market betting on Trump’s death

Peter Kopa, Prague, 27.7.2024

Source: We are an independent online news portal, produced by Czech and Slovak expats living all over the world. We get our information from alternative sources, decipher political events, disinformation and media propaganda, and write about the implications and about the context of events. We write without censorship, without political correctness, without slavish attitudes to pressing issues at home and abroad.

The facts surrounding the attack on Trump

An unprecedented conspiracy? A Texas investment fund, the Austin Private Wealth (APV) sold short 12 million shares of Trump’s social network stock with a liquidation date and expiration just one day before the assassination, in anticipation that the stock of Trump’s company, the ‘Trump Media and Technology Group’ (TMTG), would fall. AVP even notified the Securities and Exchange Commission of the transaction in advance, but then, upon the failure of the assassination, the Commission completely denied the position! It has even been erased from Wall Street stock market history!

This was as part of an alleged short sale executed against Trump’s company from July 1 to July 12, with a position liquidation date of July 12, exactly one day before the shot to kill against Donald Trump. And the plot of the story? As the murderous attempt failed on Saturday 13.7.24, the Austin Private Wealth fund rushed to send a rectifying statement to the Securities and Exchange Commission on Tuesday, July 16, denying the existence of the open position for those 12 days and condemning the crime!

American analyst Jason Goodman [1] of ‘Crowdsource The Truth’ phoned the co-owner of an Austin investment firm directly and asked Alex J. Wagner about the whole thing, and whether it was true what was being spread on the Internet. Wagner declined to comment on the matter. But Goodman warned him about being Jewish and that the information on the Internet paints a horrible picture of Jews. And then he asked him if it was true that Austin Private Wealth’s investment firm gives donations to a number of Jewish non-profits, and if these organizations were looking to gain in the stock market by taking advantage of the leak of Donald Trump’s expected death.

It was only in the face of these arguments that Alex Wagner said it was an error in his reporting to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). In fact, the most recent filing as of June 30 did list this incredible 12-day short-selling position against Trump’s company, with 12 million shares of this company’s stock. As the chart of Trump’s stock price demonstrates, positions against his firm have been open on the stock since about the second half of June, coincidentally expiring on or just before July 12.

And that’s not all. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) immediately intervened and ordered the trade to be erased from all Wall Street broker computers. Thus, the information about the position was retroactively erased on Wall Street’s computers, which is an unprecedented intervention in the history of the New York Stock Exchange. Thus, the history of the facts disappeared completely.

Anatomy of a conspiratorial manipulation

For more information we suggest entering in Google ‘Black-Rock-linked firm under scanner for shorting of Trump stocks before assassination attempt’.

As can be seen above in the first computer snapshot of the Wall Street exchange,, Austin Private Weatlh’s position is by far the largest, the next closest is Citadel Advisors with 16,770 (x100) shares. Here’s where it gets interesting, as the second screenshot was taken later and poof, Austin Private Wealth LLC is nowhere to be found on the list.Why? Because the Securities and Exchange Commission stepped in and removed all history of that position from the exchange’s reporting system.

The shares of Trump’s firm fell from July 1 to July 12 due to the privileged information received, logically, only by the adepts of the globalists, such as the multinational Black Rock, Vanguard and some companies related to them. We are therefore facing a concrete case of conspiracy of the globalist Deep State that now spreads, through its ‘main stream media’, the disinformation that Trump’s assassination was a theatrical staging, in which Trump smeared his ear with blood from a bag he had hidden in his sleeve, like a magician, and that supposedly none of the visitors died during the shooting and that no one was even injured.

Entities involved in the conspiracy bet that President Trump’s stock would fall a day before the attack. Short selling against Truth Social’s stock more than doubled from July 1 to July 12, as the historical Wall Street chart demonstrates. This means that individuals or large organizations were aware of the attack on Trump before 7/13/24.

That is, they were counting that by Monday, July 15, when the stock market opens for business after the previous Friday’s close, Trump’s stock would plummet, which would certainly have happened if President Trump had lost his life in Pennsylvania. This means that some few knew of the plot against President Trump and were willing to capitalize on the impending disaster.

Alleged ramification of the plot×1024.jpg

Both BlackRock and a fund linked to the Bush family had bet on the collapse of Trump’s firm after July 12. This case has a precedent: on September 11, 2001, options bets were made against the stocks of major airlines American Airlines and United Airlines a day before the attack. Investigations showed that, in both cases, a single entity and a well-placed insider tipped off a few investors to short the shares of the two major U.S. airlines, which effectively suffered a major media and reputational blow following the hijacking of their planes, which eventually had to be resolved with federal bailouts of long-term government-guaranteed loans. Had the aid not arrived, the airlines would have gone bankrupt, threatening national security and the continuity of air transport in the USA.


The globalists of the globalist Deep State, also identifiable as the Davos 2030 Agenda, have no qualms even about murder, in order to carry out their diabolical plans. It seems clear to me that the first motive for the attempt to kill Trump was political. Trump had proclaimed so many times that he is going to dissect the swamp of corruption in the US government. It bears some parallels to the Kennedy assassination and the shots fired at Reagan.

We are facing the greatest failure of the globalists that is surely marking their downfall. Their WOKE ideologies, genderism, LTGB and their ecological dogmatisms are self-liquidating under the weight of their own lies. A new political environment in the USA and Europe is tiring of their onslaught, thus giving strength to right-wing positions. In the war fronts of Ukraine and Israel everything is taking a turn contrary to their interests. Nor have they had any luck with China, with which they seek to form a certain alliance, which in their case would go against US interests.



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