Peter Kopa, Prague, 16.10.2022

Right now, the globalism proclaimed at the last meeting of the World Economic Forum seeks to indoctrinate the thinking of the individual. If it succeeds, it will be able to subject the whole world to its totalitarian rule, which would be the harshest in the history of mankind. It is enough to listen to the first ten minutes of Prof. Alan Dershowitz, in the link above, emeritus of Harvard University, to understand to what dire results renouncing one’s principles and opinions in order to avoid persecution and ostracism in one’s own environment leads.

The beginning of the crisis of  freedom

The concept of totalitarianism appeared in Italy under Mussolini’s fascism. Thanks to the radio and the written press, the then constituted power succeeded in indoctrinating the citizenry, by means of an overwhelming propaganda, a conception opposed to the spirit of traditional freedom. This inner seduction was a brainwashing that was later repeated in other state ideologies, especially in Nazi Germany. It is a totalitarianism that no longer had to be imposed by force, but through manipulation and control of individual thought.

In other words, the masses are expected to behave as the political power intended, on the basis of a way of thinking inculcated by official propaganda, without the need for a general imposition by force. Even so, the Nazi regime organized since 1933 a covert persecution of intellectuals and other opponents, filling many concentration camps, where many thousands of German citizens have been tortured and killed. And so, from error has followed terror, with the intention of manipulating the citizen through the fear of losing his material well-being, his professional license and his social position.

This is the classic strategy of the state, which has taken on an ideology, always materialistic, as a weapon of war: first by the good, then by the bad methods, against any opposition that has had the courage to show its face. And this is already being implemented in some countries today, first by soft coercion: for example, by professionally ostracizing doctors and scientists who criticize the measures imposed by the State against the covid pandemic. And the state behaves as the sole arbiter and owner of the truth, politicizing everything in order to manipulate everything, even in the sciences, as we have seen in the covid biological war.

The current totalitarian manipulation

We are seeing this in the materialistic ideologies in the USA (WOKE, Lgbt, genderism) which were implanted by the mainstream media and social networks, with an astonishing efficiency and speed.  This diffusion occurred in the USA mainly in the lower social classes. However, everything indicates that these movements are going to collapse under the weight of their ridiculous errors. Europe reacts to this phenomenon with a good dose of skepticism, to the point that there are many political movements that are returning to the traditional channel of Western thought.

In the face of the tragedy of the war in Ukraine, political forces with a good profile are forming, especially in Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Italy, Sweden and Spain. This process has been preceded by street demonstrations, all flying not the flag of a political party, but that of the homeland. Only in Prague, where I live, in the last month we had two popular demonstrations with an enormous participation of citizens, between seventy and one hundred thousand people in each one. After 33 years, the street scenes that in 1989 contributed to the collapse of the communist regime, thanks to the Velvet Revolution, are being repeated.

Distancing from Davos Agenda 30

Open criticism of the new world order model advocated by the globalists has recently been observed. Europe is suffering from the great disappointment caused by the USA, because it has been left to its own devices since the Russian gas pipelines have been dynamited.  However, there is every reason to believe that Germany and the other European countries will be able to cope with this situation thanks to the fact that they have their gas reserves are full, which they are buying from various countries.

It remains to be seen whether the EU will survive this crisis, in which it has given more support to the globalists and the USA, leaving a little aside its own countries that maintain it with their annual contributions. Macron has surprised with his proposal to create an alliance parallel to the EU, composed of forty-four countries.





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